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Warning: talk of rape/assault

Oh Also I'm in a fourthwall breaking mood...


The invisible girl let out an inhuman screech as she jumped from her bed to the detective sitting on the chair beside her.

The detective panicked, pushing his chair backwards using the bed. But instead of the chair scooting backwards it tipped backwards. It's front legs lifting off of the ground causing the detective to fall backwards and away from the deranged student.

But she didn't get close to him. Her homeroom teacher and the detective's appearnt bodyguard tackled her to the ground before she could reach Naomasa.
The girl screamed and scratched at the male as he attempted to restrain her.

I know what you're thinking:

"Did I miss a chapter?!"

"What's going on?!"

Well it's a long story that started with yet another long back and forth between the tired girl and the friendly detective.

But as the story got thicker the lies got more frequent and the teen got more and more frustrated with the clicking of the detective's pen.

Eventually they brought up the subject of Denki Kaminari again. Claiming that they had decided to talk to him anyway and that the boy had said they had been in her dorm together that night.

To which Hagakure responded to by hysterically sobbing and apologizing for her previous lie:


"I'm so sorry detective *sob* I really wanted to tell you the truth! B-b-but I was too scared! I wasn't alone last night!" She screamed and curled up in a ball. The two men exchanged annoyed glances.
"Kaminari had come into my room! Please go arrest him detective! H-he raped me! I was too scared to tell anyone! That's why I lied!"

Aizawa's eyebrows twitched with every click of the detective's pen. The clicks were getting more and more frequent these past few minutes.

Everyone knew that she was lying. She knew, the detective knew, Aizawa knew, the readers knew and the author knew.

Everyone knew that she was spewing out pure bullshit right now. And Aizawa ended up getting sick of it.

"Can you please try to control yourself Hagakure." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

So that probably wasn't the best way to confront a faking victim of sexual assault.
But Aizawa knew that she was definitely NOT actually the victim here. Leading to him getting aggravated.

Hagakure sobbed harder, upset that the other man didn't even stand up for her.
"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!" She wailed, rolling around the medical bed.

Naomasa said cautiously.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE RAPED?!" She screamed at the tired man.

"No, but you don't either. You've done nothing but lie this entire time Hagakure."
Her teacher scolded.

She screamed. Holding her hands over her head and sobbing even more.

"HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE YOUR CLASSMATE OF RAPE WHEN YOU ASSAULTED HIM!!!" Aizawa yelled back. He really was losing his temper here.

"What are you even talking about?!" She said, sobbing and whining. "Boys can't be raped!" She sniffled. "Detective please make him go away!" Hagakure whined "he's upsetting me."

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