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Shigaraki hadn't been lying. All for one had really thought Taking her was a very bad Idea. So much so that when teleporting the league and Bakugou he had purposefully left Aiko behind.

So there she sat, still mostly attached to her chair. The police had broken through some of the bindings but they didn't have time to finish before all hell broke loose. Aiko couldn't really comprehend her surroundings, she didn't know that the Nomu had come through several portals and we're now wrecking havoc on the streets.

The pros and police needed every hand on deck, temporarily neglecting Aiko Zhu.

A blue car had pulled up moments before the start of the pro heroes raid.
"Damn, looks like the pros are here."
Tris mumbled.

"Good, Tris the lights-"

"I know! You've been mumbling about it for the past three minutes!" Tris gripped the steering wheel tightly. "But the pros are here, we should stay back and let them handle it now."

"Fine, but I'm not leaving until I see that at least Aiko is safe. I don't care about that explosive neanderthal." Monoma said, eyes glued to the building.

They had been following the mystery lights until they suddenly disappeared. Monoma knew that meant something awful had happened. That the villains had shut it off by force. What had they done to her? Was she... Was she dead? No she couldn't be. She couldn't be dead, not Aiko.

Monoma was sure that if Aiko Zhu was dead he would be able to tell.

If Aiko Zhe was dead the whole world would be dimmer.

Without her light the world itself would seem darker.

He would know if Aiko was dead. He knew that if she had died he would feel it in his heart.

He would know.

"Fine. Just remember we're not doing anything wrong ok? If any cop or something comes up we were just off on some joyride okay?" Tris said, getting their stories straight.

"Of course, what else would we be doing?"
Monoma said with an eye roll.
But the police didn't investigate them, Tris backed up into an Alley so they could watch the raid.
They couldn't see much. Even though All Might came in through the wall, breaking half of it down. They couldn't see inside of it very well though, because of all the pros and police.

They sat there somewhat silently, Tris was smoking and Monoma was just looking into the building. But then out of nowhere large black creatures began to appear through the streets. Nomu.
"Shit." Monoma said, Tris looked backwards.
"We're pretty far away, and I can back out of here into another street if I need to." Tris said.

"We're not going anywhere."
Monoma said, Tris turned and panicked as he popped the door open.

"Wait! Don't be an idiot!"
She whispered, he didn't pay attention and just stealthily ran across the street.

"Damn you Neito Monoma."
Tris cursed, getting out of the car and bolting after him. They were far enough away from the chaos that they went pretty much unseen. "This is dumb!" She whispered, walking behind him.

He whispered back, walking behind the buildings until he got to the ajar door of the right one. The police had com in through the back and left the door open, while All Might had come through the wall. Now the police were in the street trying to get civilians like Monoma and Tris away from the fighting. And All Might was God knows where.

They stepped through the door and looked around. Monoma immediately bolted to the other side of the room where Aiko was sitting. Tris flinched and looked away. She was looking down so they couldn't see her face, but she had a few bruises on her arms and legs and blood on her shirt.
"Aiko!" Monoma yelled. He kneeled down beside her. "Aiko can you hear me?!"

Tris covered the hole in the wall with ice.
"Be quiet! Do you want to draw the attention of those monsters? Then we'd all be fucked! Just get her and let's get the hell out of here!"

Monoma looked at her then back at Aiko, before taking out a pocket knife and getting to work on the straps and ropes around her.
Aiko barely moved but he could tell she was alive and barely conscious. "I-it's gonna be okay." He whispered frantically. She didn't respond with more than a small mumble. But that mumble meant she was Alive. Monoma was thankful for it.

Aiko felt someone removing the restraints. They were talking but she wasn't listening. Her mind was elsewhere. Barely paying attention to what was going on around her.

Until she felt someone grab her, arms grabbed her waist. She remembered icy blue eyes and burnt hands. A tall man standing over her.
"W-wait! n-no."
She mumbled, eyes tightly closed. She weakly pushed against the person. "Please." She whispered, trying to stop them.

"H-hey! Aiko it's me, please look at me. It's Monoma, I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to help." He said nervously. Maybe he wasn't the right person to do this, maybe he should have gotten that redhead boy to stay. She knew him and they were friends, her and Monoma were... Complicated.

Aiko slowly forced herself to look forward at the boy bending over next to her. Her eyes were dilated significantly and unfocused. She had bruises over her face and her lip had dried blood on it. "H-hey." Monoma whispered.

"N-neito?" Aiko said, she blinked a few times and then slumped forward against him. "Help me." She whispered, reached up to wrap her arms around his shoulders.

"I-I am. Everything is going to be all right I swear." He said wrapping his arms around her carefully. Hugging her against his chest.
"Can you walk?" He asked her. She just mumbled.

"She looks high as fuck. Her walking isn't a great idea." Tris scoffed from across the room. "Come on, we have to go. Things are getting worse out there. We need to get her to the closest Hospital, hero agency or Police station and let the authorities know where she is."

"Alright alright I'm coming."
Neito said, reaching under Aiko's thighs and lifting her up. Aiko wrapped her legs around him too and just hid her face in his neck.

In any other situation she would never cuddle him like this. But dispite everything that happened between them Monoma was familiar, and right now she desperately needed something familiar to grasp onto. She was hurt and scared and she didn't have any time to think about the social aspect of being in this position with him.

He carried her behind Tris back to the car. Tris kept an eye out and built ice walls between them and the conflict whenever needed. They soon got to their car, Tris jumped ina nd immediately started it.

Monoma followed, opened the side passenger door and carefully putting Aiko inside. He pulled back, about to get into the front when Aiko's grip on him tightened.
"Neito..." She whimpered, holding onto his shirt.

She didn't want to be alone right now.

"Okay." He whispered, she didn't need to say it. He understood what she wanted. He slipped in beside her and shut the door.

Tris watched them through the review mirror for a few moments. Before rolling her eyes and putting the car in reverse.

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