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I'm backkkk, I didn't update yesterday lol. Sorry if you were disappointed, but I didn't have any drafts¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


"Hey dad! H-hey A-Aiko!"
Beatrice said nervously. Aiko adjusted her gloves and glanced up as the girl walked in.

"Sup pumpkin!"
Thunderstruck said with a smile.

"D-dad... don't call me that..."
Beatrice blushed and glanced over at Aiko in embarrassment.

"Sorry dumping!"
Thunderstruck said, not getting it.
"What did you need?"

"Well I was wondering... I won't get in the way! I promise!" She said and her dad raised an eyebrow.
"I wanted to ask... can I go on patrol with you guys? I'll stay out of the way!"

"Honey... I know we didn't see any villains yesterday. But it can still get dangerous quick out there."
Thunderstruck said, raising his eyebrows at his kid. Aiko was actually shocked by how he was suddenly serious. She had never seen him act responsible in any matter until right now, it made sense though. This was his daughter.
"I won't be able to keep my eyes on you the entire time."

Aiko saw Beatrice deflate a little. She frowned in pity for the girl, she just wanted to spend more time with her dad right? Aiko got that. She REALLY got that.
"I can keep an eye on her Thunderstruck! If anything happens I'm not supposed to engage anyone in combat anyways right? So I can protect Beatrice if need be."

Thunderstruck looked between the two girls. Aiko smiled and Beatrice stared at her like she had been struck by lightening. Her favorite celebrity was offering to protect her?!

Thunderstruck smiled.
"We should probably patrol one foot anyways! Just keep my daughter out of trouble alright Zhu?"

"That's A.Z to you. We're patrolling."
Aiko said, crossing her arms with a smile.

"Whatever you say kid."
He said, ruffling her hair as he walked past them. "Well Come on my dumplings! Let's go do hero stuff!"


Beatrice wasn't lying when she promised to stay out of the way. Though it's not like there was much to get in the way of, it was just walking around. Though they were often stopped by fans.
Beatrice quietly walked beside Aiko, who followed Thunderstruck. Whenever a group of fans stopped by Beatrice actually seemed... proud. Proud to be walking with two famous people. She seemed even more proud of being seen with A.Z than she was about her dad.

Beatrice was used to her dad. Obviously, he'd been famous as long as she could remember. He became a pro when her mom gave him custody because he found out the amount of money he could get for it. Plus the first agency he worked at provided free childcare for all sidekicks.

Something he now kept for his own agency. There was a daycare that Beatrice worked part-time at in the Thunderstruck agency. She loved it.

Having grown up around pro heroes and in their agencies she was used to them. But A.Z was a singer! She had gotten so used to watching Aiko through a screen that she still sometimes felt like Aiko wasn't there.

Beatrice kept glancing at the girl from the corner of her eye. While Aiko seemed to be keeping her eyes everywhere, looking for danger.
Beatrice smiled with a blush and looked away, walking forward with her hands in her hoodie pocket.

She admired Aiko a lot more than she wanted to admit. She was strong and brave, and from what she heard at the concert her life in middle school was a lot like Beatrice's life. Not to mention Aiko's fear of fake friends because of her celebrity status. Beatrice felt the same way about her father, she stopped telling people about him in grade school because everyone would want to hang out with her and then talk about her later to each other.

Beatrice stared at the ground. Aiko was like her, but more successful. Like her but with more drive. Like her but-

"Beatrice wait!"
Beatrice felt someone grip her arm and pull her backwards. She stumbled back into Aiko's chest and her eyes widened when she was a huge truck drive past right where she was about to step.
She was so close she felt the air off of the vehicle. She glanced up to see that the light had been green, she just hadn't been paying attention.

She panted with wide eyes and looked around. The arms around her were steady and she felt breath tickle the back of her neck as the person spoke.
"You okay?"

Beatrice jumped to the side with a bright red blush decorating her cheeks and bowed. She bowed in thanks and to hide the color of her skin. "Thank you Aiko! I would have been crushed-"

"Are you sure you're alright?! That was really close."
Aiko said, grabbing Beatrice's shoulders and pulling her up. Examining her face.

Beatrice backed up in panic.
"Yes! Yes thank you!"
She pushed her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose.

"You should be more careful, kid. you were almost flattered."
Thunderstruck said, her brows knit together. He touched the top of his daughter's head with a stern frown.

"Yes dad! I'm sorry!"
Beatrice said in Shame. She had promised not to be a problem, and here she was. Almost hit by a truck.

"Thanks A.Z kid, that was a close one."
He said to Aiko who nodded.

'Please don't make me go back home!'
She thought in her mind.

Though Her dad just shrugged and kept walking once the light turned red and people started to cross.
"Alright, keep an eye on her please, Zhu."

"Yes sir!"
Aiko said, Beatrice stood there in embarrassment. Forgetting to follow, she was surprised by a hand gently grabbing her own as A.Z started to lead her forward.

Beatrice stared at it for a long while, not paying attention to her surroundings. Until she stumbled on an uneven sidewalk. Aiko looked back concerned.
"Is everything alright?"
Aiko asked and Beatrice frantically nodded.

"Yes! I'm sorry!"
Aiko smiled and led her on.

Beatrice kept her eyes on where she was going after that.

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