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Aiko gasped, sitting straight up in the bed.
She coughed and her throat burned.
She looked around frantically, eyes wide.
"Aiko! Aiko baby it's alright! You're alright!"
A voice cried warm loving arms wrapped around her.

Her voice was a raspy croak, she couldn't finish a single word.

"Shh it's alright Aiko, don't stress your voice. It's alright you're safe."
Her mom said gently, stroking Aiko's hair.
Aiko nodded and leaned against her mom, trying to take in a breath. It was hard though, like her throat had shrunk in size.
"It's okay."
Her mother repeated, kissing the top of Aiko's head.

It took a moment for her mind to catch up with her. What happened?

The woman, in the alley. The cat, Beatrice, the machete, the fight, the hands closing over her throat and tightening.

The humming.

She shuddered violently.
Her mother held her a little tighter and whispered to her. After a few moments she pulled back and rubbed her eyes.

"I know you might have questions, but I don't think you should try to talk yet."
Her mother said, rubbing Aikos arm tenderly.

Aiko looked around the room.
There were two people on the couch across the room, Beatrice and Bakugou? She looked to the foot of her bed, leaning against the wall passed out asleep was Nishi and Hotoki. She finally turned to her right where her mom sat, sharing a love seat with Mr Tadashi. All of them but her and her mother were asleep.

Aiko bit her lip nervously.

"We don't have to wake them up yet. I know you're probably not ready to be surrounded by a bunch of people."
Her said kindly.
Aiko looked to her mom, in any other situation she would giggle over the fact that Mr Tadashi's suit jacket was hung over mother's shoulders or That they were sitting next to each other.

But she barely noticed it right now.
She nodded to her mother, confirming that she didn't want company.

"Are you okay?"
Her mother asked gently.

Aiko shrugged and opened her mouth, then closed it again once she remembered she couldn't talk right now.
She just shrugged again with a frown. Her arms hurt, her throat hurt. Her eyes and head ached but other than that she was alright.

Mentally? She wasn't at her best, a little shaken up but she's been in worse moods.
She rubbed her eyes.

Her mom said, reaching to the table and handing Aiko her phone. Aiko looked at the screen with a frown before turning it on.

It was covered with messages.

"You're friends are worried about you."
Her mom said with a smile. She reached up and pushed Aiko's hair behind her ear.
"I'm so proud of you."
She whispered.

Aiko smiled and looked back down at her phone. It was three in the morning, but there were messages from less than an hour ago. A lot of them were from classmates, wishing her a speedy recovery.

Hey, no rush but. Text me when you can.

I just want to know you're okay

She smiled a little. Those messages were from thirty minutes ago, he was so worried that he was up this late.

She looked to her mom and typed a message in their personal messages.
I've been better

She typed and sent it to her mom.

"I know Honey, it'll be okay. Are you in pain?" Her mom asked.

Aiko typed out a message, her hands were Shaky though.
My arms are sore and my throat hurts

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