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If you're a fanfic writer (specifically MHA) I want y'all to know that this video^^ is literally a life saver. If you don't want to rewatch anything and don't remember certain events this is for you!

(Also obviously I don't follow the timeline exactly in my story. It's just a good reference that's under fifteen minutes)

Also wikifandom is a great resource lol

I just thought I'd share just in case!


Aiko tapped at her notebook with a frown. She had once again not eaten lunch in the cafeteria. She was waiting for all the hype around A.Z to die down. Plus she wanted to make a video addressing things.

But she had to put that aside while her voice was healing.

Lucky for Aiko this was the week everyone switched to their warmer uniforms. (The "lucky" is sarcastic)
So to stay at least a little cooler they no longer had to wear blazers. Just their usual undershirts.

Which meant her newly acquired bandages were on full display. She fidgeted with her pen. Her arms were sore but she was currently on painkillers, so as long as no one put pressure on the wounds they weren't too painful.

The most obvious injury was her bruises. A collection of bruises that covered her neck. They were tender to the touch and the thought of trying to apply makeup to them made her eyes water. The pain of putting that much concealer wouldn't be worth it. And unless she wanted to go to school with an ugly scarf there was no way to cover it.

She looked over to Bakugou who and been quieter than usual today. Likely because of the white letter Aiko had given him earlier. She didn't know what was in it, what it said. Though she had been curious when Beatrice asked if she could give it to him.
Bakugou hadn't said much, but his face said he didn't have a clue to it's content either.

She bit her lip nervously. The next period was history. Ah history class, the class she was in the most danger of failing. Meaning attendance was pretty important.

But she hated that class, the new environment bothered her. Most of the people bothered her. Even the teacher didn't seem to like her.

Probably because she was from class 1-A. Most of the hatred for her class from 1B was fueled by Vlad King. He was the one that constantly encouraged them to work harder and constantly compared his class to Aiko's own.

She sighed and her throat burned. The skin of her neck was tight but stretching it caused it to ache.

"You excited for next period?"
Mina asked jokingly.

Aiko raised an eyebrow and jotted something down in her notebook.
Only if Mic is substituting again and I get to nap

Mina read it and rolled her eyes.
"It'll be fine! That class isn't all bad! You have Kendo remember? And that one guy you said with nice-"

"Yeah! Tetsu is totally manly!"
Kirishima said with an enthusiastic smile.
Aiko smiled back slightly.

Kirishima had spent his internship with Tetsu from 1B just like Momo spent hers with Kendo. They had become pretty good friends from what Aiko could tell. Probably because they were both so similar.

"Yeah him. He's nice to you! Plus it's not like you'll be chitchatting the whole time."
Jirou said, twirling her earjacks nonchalantly.

Aiko pouted and then shrugged.

"God, mute Aiko is so pitiful."
Denki said with a tiny smile, ruffling Aiko's hair. "It'll be fine okay? no one will give you a hard time."

Aiko ducked away from his hand with a smile and gave it a tiny swat.

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