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The timing was practically perfect. Too perfect. It was obviously purposeful. Aiko was allowed back at school just in time for the hero licensing exam. The day of the exam they didn't have any actual classes. They were just shipped to the Takoba National stadium.

Aiko didn't know what type of test this was. Just that apparently the acceptance rate is like 00.1% or something. Or maybe Aiko was just being dramatic.

She sat beside Jirou on the bus, messaging Nishi and Hotoki frantically. Hotoki was going to a different stadium but Nishi would be there. Aiko was excited to see her friend again. It had been a little while.

She pulled on the hood of her jacket. Wishing she could be wearing her hero costume already. The hoodie was pushing it dress code wise, but Aizawa understood her wanting to cover her face. Even just a little bit, though it probably wouldn't make much difference. Plus maybe everyone was too busy with the exam to even care about her. Right?

Yeah, let's hope so. Regardless Aiko stayed ducked behind her classmates. Hiding in the back of the group.

They stood by their bus, waiting for Aizawa's word. Aiko's eyes scanned the crowd, checking to see if anyone has noticed them yet. She really hoped no one would make a big deal out of her being here. All she wanted was to get her hero license and then get out. That's all!

Her eyes caught on another class walking towards them. STRAIGHT towards them. One blonde girl tapped a muscular boy's shoulder while pointing over at their class.
'Oh great.'
Aiko ducked between Bakugou and Kaminari. "Nervous?" Kaminari asked.

"No, well kinda. There's just people coming over." She admitted. His golden eyes flicked over at the group of second years making their way over.

She had forgotten they'd be doing this against mainly second and third years. The idea made her guts twist. "Hey! It's UA!"
The black haired boy said enthusiastically. Though to Aiko something about him seemed off.
"I've seen you guys on TV!"

'He's really friendly...'
Aiko thought. But something about it just didn't seem... Genuine. She stepped farther behind Kaminari.

Once they approached Aiko's class the boy wasted no time before grabbing Midoriya's hands. "Hey! I'm Shindo!"

'Woah, he sounds like Chat Noir.'
Aiko thought briefly, but pushed the thought aside.

"Seems like UA has had a lot of trouble this year. It must have been tough for you!"
He said.

"Well uh-"
Midoriya mumbled but before he could respond the boy clinched his fist and winked.

"Hearts full of fortitude!" He said with a big smile.

'Yeah I don't trust this guy.'
Aiko immediately decided. He's acting like the popular girls who pretend to be really nice for some reason and then act like a bitch when they're alone with you. Like Tris when they first met.

"I believe that's what every hero in the world needs!" He continued. "Isn't that right Aiko!" He turned to Aiko who choked in surprise at being singled out and the fact that he had so casually used her first name.

"Urm.. yeah?" She asked, getting over her initial shock and clearing her throat. "Totally." She said with a smile. He grabbed her hands like he had done with Midoriya, but got much closer in her face. Or maybe it just felt that way too Aiko, who blinked to try and look at him better.

"It's so awesome to finally meet you in person! I've been a fan of yours for a really long time!" He said. Aiko leaned back so she could see straight.

"That's awesome! It's so cool to meet you!"
She said with her usual A.Z smile and tone.
'Just another fan.' she reminded herself.

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