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”I hope you say your prayers every night,' said another gentleman in a gruff voice; 'and pray for the people who feed you, and take care of you…”

ZuZu had been put to bed and the two had started their reading. Though Denki was listening to every word he also took this time to study Aiko's facial features. The gentle curve of her jaw, her dark skin had a few scattered freckles on her cheeks and nose. Her eyes were rimmed with long lashes, their tips were just slightly lighter than the rest making them seem less full at a distance.
She had beautiful brown eyes with intricate Irises. Her full lips moved gracefully as she spoke the written words.

God she was perfect...

Denki smiled softly. Wait! No he was supposed to be paying attention! Yes paying attention, to the book! What was happening in the book again? Something about orphans?

He started to once again force himself to listen to Aiko's words instead of looking at her face. He shoved his face into his pillow and listened.

He looked up at the door. ZuZu was standing there in her pajamas, holding onto her Eevee stuffed animal.
"Why is she reading you a bedtime story?"

"It's for his school ZuZu."
Aiko said with a small smile.

"I wanna hear! De-ki didn't read me a bedtime story!" ZuZu said, walking in.

"No ZuZu. Go to bed."
Denki groaned.

"Come one Denki, she can listen."
Aiko said, she reached down and played with his hair. "It'll probably put her to sleep anyways."

Denki blushed and hid his face again.
"Whatever." He said, though it was muffled. She didn't immediately remove her hand from his hair though. She briefly let her fingers linger in it, playing with the golden strands.
He would do literally whatever she wanted to keep this attention. Even if it meant letting ZuZu stay in here. Aiko had an unfair advantage over him, and that advantage was that he was pretty sure he was in love with her.

Gee, he had never really thought about it that seriously before. Did he actually love her? Or was this just a crush? Or was this just friendship?

He looked back up at her, her mouth was moving and she was looking down at the book. Oh God she was reading, he had totally zoned out. He should probably ask her to repeat the paragraph but then she'd have to read even more. So he just tuned back in and hoped he didn't miss anything important.

ZuZu was sitting on the floor looking up at Aiko with a similar admiration. She looked just as memorized as Denki had felt, though she also looked half asleep.

What made this worse was knowing Denki was one of literally thousands of people that thought of her like this. The only advantage he had was knowing her personally, and even then him being her friend might end up a disadvantage for him.

There were literally thousands of guys who would do anything to go out with her. And probably just as many chicks. Could he really beat out all of them?


ZuZu was snoring on the floor. Aiko had been right, after about ten and a half minutes the toddler was out cold.

Aiko continued to read through her yawns as they continued deep into the night. Everything was getting foggy but Denki held onto her every word. The story twisting itself into his mind like it was playing out as a movie in his head.

Somehow Denki's head ended up in her lap, she gently stroked his hair and forehead without looking down at him, eyes never leaving the book. Like she was in a trance.
At one point Aiko had laid down next to him, setting the book against the bed to give her hands a break.

She eventually laid on her side, endlessly quoting Charles Dickens. Later he scooted closer to her, wrapping a arm around her waist and setting his chin on her shoulder, looking over her to the book.

That was the one time she broke focus. Hesitating before she continued the seemingly endless words of the book. She felt so perfect next to him, their bodies snug against each other's. It felt perfect, like they were made to fit together. Just like this.

He sighed and tilted his head, resting his forehead against her shoulder. Aiko's body lit up at the sensation of his breath against her neck. She had never felt like this before, it was so warm. Her body tingled down to her back and she shuddered slightly. If Denki noticed this reaction he didn't say anything.

His head sat against the pillow but it was still tickling her with his breath. His nose brushed her neck as he moved his head every few moments. Aiko could feel his every move.

Just his arm around her waist made her want to melt. His breath against her exposed skin made her nervous and their legs were almost intertwined.

Aiko continued to read, if she broke this even for a second she'd do something. She'd either fall asleep due to exhaustion or finally give up holding back and embarrass herself in front of him. Her entire body seemed to be awake in this moment, anticipating his next move. Craving his next touch, his breath and brushing nose made her back try to arch away from the sensation of his gentle touch.

Why was she acting like this?!

First off this was just Denki, her best friend.

Second off this wasn't even anything big, like kissing or whatever. He wasn't touching her anywhere inappropriate. But she was still melting against him.

She kept reading. Even as his fingers fidgeted with the fabric of her borrowed shirt.

She kept reading as she heard him sigh against her neck.

She kept reading as his arm hugged her even closer. Pulling her in by her waist

It was getting later and later, hours ticking by slowly. Every word was another breath on her neck, her whole body was trembling as her mind became fuzzy from exhaustion.

Until finally... she was done.
"I do believe that the shade of that poor girl often hovers about that solemn nook – ay, though it is a church, and she was weak and erring."

She had finished the book. She stopped reading and pressed her lips together.

"Is... is that it?"
Denki mumbled, blinking his heavy eyes.
His breath tickled her neck and she could feel every movement of his lips brushing her neck. Like tiny fluttering kisses.

She whimpered lightly, but covered it up with a small. "Mhm." In reply. They didn't say anything and Denki slowly started to move his hands.
"Sorry I can-"

She turned and snuggled against his chest, gripping his shirt and hiding her face in his shirt. He rubbed her back gently and kept her pulled close. Their legs entangled over his bed sheets. Aiko's eyes were tearing up, whether from embarrassment or from finally being relieved of the burden of staring at a page for hours.

Denki felt around and pulled a blanket up over them. "We have a few hours." His voice sounded groggy.

Aiko didn't respond. She was already half asleep.

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