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It's safe to say Aiko didn't get much sleep that night. She stayed up anxiously wondering what kind of sick prank that was.

Aiko had received death threats before, in fact she's received much more gruesome death and rape threats before since the start of her online career. But getting one in your room was something much more terrifying.

She couldn't think of someone in her class who would pull such a heartless prank on her, especially not after she was kidnapped only a few days ago. But she also couldn't think of someone who would legitimately threaten to end her life either.

What was she supposed to do about this though? The wisest thing to do would of course be show a teacher. But they already had so much going on with the dorms. She didn't want to put more on their plate. Especially not if this was a prank. But how would she even figure that out? Ask around? Go up to her friends and say:
"Haha which one of you guys sent me a death threat? You guys know I have anxiety right?!"

No she wouldn't worry her friends about this right now.

She left her room at around six after doing her hair and makeup so she didn't look super tired. Everything was fine, she'd talk to Aizawa about this and then she'll go about her life.

"Hey Iida! Where's Aizawa?"
Aiko asked when she walked into the kitchen.

"Hello Zhu! Mr Aizawa is already hard at work at the school building! He left half an hour ago!" He said sipping from a coffee mug.

"Oh ok!"
Aiko said with a smile. If she was going to tell another student about this that wasn't a close friend she would probably tell Iida. He was the no nonsense class representative after all. But he would probably make a big deal about it with some sort of class meeting or something. She didn't want that.

In the event that this note was legitimate she wouldn't want the sender to know she was scared, they would feed off of her fear.

She had to act like everything was normal, even though this note was burning a hole in her pocket.

Maybe she shouldn't carry it around, what if it had finger prints on it? That would show who it was.
The letter was written in loopy letters and dark red ink. With little hearts drawn around it. Definitely feminine, or rather 'romantic'. The kind of shit you see in Yandere stories.

'Well I'll worry about that later.'
She thought with a frown.
'Unless you don't have a later.'
She thought again in a different tone. She didn't know who this person was or when they were planning on trying to kill her. If this was real it could be any moment now.
"I'm probably going to go talk to him about something, see you around Iida."

"Is everything alright?"
He asked with a frown.

"Oh yeah! Totally. I just needed to mention something to him." She lied.

No everything was not fine.


Aiko walked to her classroom, assuming that's where Aizawa would be working. And he was, but so was Mic. Aiko had already put two and two together, they were partners. Undeniably romantic. That wasn't any of her business though.

Aizawa was at his desk and Mic was behind him. Aiko peeked in and then immediately ducked out. They weren't too intimate. But Aiko still didn't want to interrupt. Mic had been leaning over Aizawa while playing with his hair and whispering to him.
"You're going to get me fired."
Aizawa grumbled faintly.

Aiko glanced around the hallway. What was she supposed to do? Ignore it and walk in? Or forget it and come back another time.

Aiko shook her head and let out a silent sigh. No this probably couldn't wait. She quickly stepped into the doorway again looking at the ground with a red embarrassed face and cleared her throat.
Aizawa violently jerked and shoved Mic backwards into the blackboard behind his desk.

"H-Hi Zhu!"
Mic chuckled with wide panicked eyes.
"Y-you're early!" She said with an obviously forced laugh.

"Please tell me you're alone." Aizawa said, rubbing his eyes.

"Y-yes sir!" She coughed.

"Listen just don't-"

"It's fine! Don't worry I already knew! Well rather I sort of assumed!" Aiko said nervously. "I mean... I assumed Aizawa wouldn't get matching tattoos with someone who was just a friend?" She guessed and Mic smiled broadly.

"You're right, he wouldn't do it until we were engaged." The blonde man said.

"Because they're dumb and obvious. You said no one would notice." Aizawa mumbled.

"Wow you're married? Love that for you guys. Anyways! I think someone might to kill me."

Aizawa's head snapped over to her and Mic's expression changed to one of concern.

Aiko walked in. "Well I mean I already knew there were plenty of people who wanted me dead." Aiko said stopping in front of the desk. "But this time it seems a little different." She reached into her pocket. "I found this in my room last night. It looked like it had been side under the door."
She handed the note over.
"I could just be a dumb prank but... I thought I should let someone know."

Mic whispered.
"You okay?"

"Fine. Just a little anxious."
She said, Aizawa looked over the note carefully.

"Have you told anyone else?"
He asked.

"No, just you two."

"When did you find this?"

"Last night, around twelve."
She answered. "I had left my room for a few minutes, when I got back it was just sitting there."

"Did you see anyone?"
Mic asked, she shook her head.

"Not by my room. I saw Bakugou in the common room but it couldn't have been him. We were talking around the same time someone must've slipped it under." She told them.

"How long were you gone?"

"Not longer than thirty minutes."
She answered, Aizawa mumbled under his breath. She knew what he was thinking.

The dorms weren't that big, you could from to one side to the other in probably five minutes. Anyone could have been there and back before Aiko got back into her room. They could only rule out her and Bakugou.

"Alright, we'll figure this out. Don't tell anyone else in the meantime. Act like nothing is going on, I don't want to alarm the other students." Aizawa said.

"Yes sir."

"And if this happens again tell me or Shota- Mr Aizawa! As soon as it happens okay?"
Mic stammered.

Aiko said, she couldn't help but giggle a bit at him.

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