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Aht Aht.

They give me anxiety, very bad anxiety. For that reason, I avoid them like they're deadly diseases.

I feel my heart stops when I finally meet his stare.

I feel my heart stops when I finally meet his stare

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Him nice eeeh?

Is he real?

What's his skin care routine? I ask myself, mesmerized by his warm beige, blemish free skin.

Totally enthralled by his striking features.

He was definitely made out of love.

How are his lashes and eyebrows so full? So long? Damn. Not to mention those low, dark sexy eyes. They compliment his straight nose and succulent lips.

The beard is the cherry on top.

My eyes glides the tattoos around his neck. They're interesting.

Especially when he's still in school.

I see a few poking underneath his long sleeve white shirt too, just above his...


I cock an eyebrow.

Girl you're staring staring..

I snap out of it. Instantly, I wish the earth could open and swallow me in with what he says next.

"You done?" he tilts his head.

I squish my eyebrows together before pulling back from his firm grip.

I get out of the bathroom quickly. Only to feel his hand grasp my throat from behind, moving us backwards.

"You like wah yuh hear?" his nose grazes my neck.

(You liked what you heard?)

My body shudders. Of course...not. Why would I like that?

 Not My Type 3: Alternate WorldWhere stories live. Discover now