98. Bkay

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What time for you?🏹💭


Today I'm driving the Bentley—I'm actually feeling good for the first time in a very longgggg time

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Today I'm driving the Bentley—I'm actually feeling good for the first time in a very longgggg time.

Today a Nickoi strong.

Cyaa' believe a so time a fly. How me baby reach 21 already?

Smiling, I walk down the stair case. I have to pick up his gifts and head to his house to surprise him.

Checking the time I see that it's almost 10:30 and I want to get to our Porsche dealership by 11 o' clock. I grab a red bull from the fridge and head towards the door.

"Janel," I turn.

"Yes mommy?" she answers from her room. We live alone. Jordane decided that he's going to live with his bank girlfriend after him realize say him and the school girl nah work out.

"Mi a leave now," I tell her.

"Mi a leave too," she surprises me.

"So a weh yaw go Miss?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Member say me have school," she reminds me. She goes to Culinary Institute of Jamaica, she's getting a Bachelors in Culinary Arts.

"Alright babes, you want me drop yuh in town? Or you calling ontime?"

"Somebody a get me," she retorts.

"You mean yuh boyfriend?" I laugh. I don't have a problem if my kids are in a relationship.

"Sup'm like that," she laughs.

"Alright, well remember to close the door,"I remind her and get in my Bentley. Driving out, I think of how my life has changed in such a short time.

Single for the first time in my life, him being dead, and my relationships going south with my in laws.

But mi nuh care bout dem once me and my Pitney dem good.

Wah yuh get a person weh have everything?

Something I ask myself every single year. There's not much you can get a person like Nickoi for his birthday. I've always struggled when it comes to this day because it never gets easy.

I got to understand that he prefers the simpler things in life.

So I woke up early and made him his favorite Seafood boil, homemade lobster burger that I always made for him, a customized Jacobs & co watch with Outlaw engraved in it. I got him a new Porsche.

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