26. Wifi

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Mua💋, early chapter.

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I kiss my teeth, skipping through various Instagram stories from Nickoi's girlfriends. Yup, with a 's'.

I click on Jemmy Nye.

She's the tenth person who's gonna post about my man.

I mean, our man.

This a nuh the time fi jealous Zara, Nickoi inna Coma.

Nickoi string up...



And a bare chaos inna the people dem uptown hospital.

"Fi smaddy weh nuh use Instagram what a way him full up Instagram," my emotions gets the best of me.

I didn't mean to say that.

Now Gina is staring at me. "You and him did deh back?"

"No," I shake my head.

Liaddddd she all swallow him kidsss last night Gina!

Thank God a inna my head you lock inna. Cause you would a air out the whole a my business.

I sit down on the cold seat. Now looking around the waiting room, it's filled with kc boys and familiar faces from Hugh's and neighboring schools.

Who dem people yah?

"So wah do him? Why nuhn unuh try nah work?" a painful voice echoes from the hallway.

I lean forward to look in the direction.

It's his mom. She's speaking with a doctor. I see a lot of other people that side who are seemingly his relatives.

They're discussing how detrimental the situation is. They're angry. Some arguing about the state of the Bimma. His brothers awfully quiet. I spot a beautiful girl among them. She looks like the hazel eyed boy.

It's a twin..

He never told me that.

Ano everything yah go know.

A tall man in black tees, dark jeans, suede desert Clarks and long plaits flowing to his back steps inside. Quietude follows, as people draw up in their shells. They're staring as if this man is Grim Reaper or the owner of this entire edifice.

What gets me though...

Isn't his dark, ominous demeanor. Rather, it's his facial features. He has a mean mug resting on his face.

It reminds me of someone...

We know that someone..

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