20. Upshot

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Good to be back. Have a productive year✨🤍


Z  A  R  A

"Why you a look at me like that?" I say softly, as if I wasn't just screaming at him earlier.

He doesn't say anything. He gets out of the car. He seemingly blends into the dark. The lights are off in his house. The only lights visible are the ones on the exterior walls, hanging closely to the road.

So him up ya a live boasy?

I pick up my phone and get out of the car nervously. I close the door and my legs wobbles, it would seem like my body is already shaking from what I'm about to experience.

Glad yuh know..

See wah yuh mouth do?

Then again, me love wah yuh mouth do, the queen in my head rolls happily and kicks her legs.

I hate her.

I feel him creep up behind me in the dark.

My inside trembles, my breath hitches in my throat. "Nickoi...leave me alone," I say sounding otherwise.

You sure?

My voice is such a betrayer for sounding so seductive and tantalizing when I'm here trying my hardest to come off serious.

Good try I guess..

"Leave who alone?" his deep voice rasp in my ear as his tall figure leans into me, face buried in my neck. On the lower half I can feel something hard poking my ass.

We both know what that is.

I look down, feeling needy all of a sudden.

What is wrong with me?

"You have a bad attitude...yuh know that?" his voice sends chills up and down my spine. I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to do.



I shrug him off and hear him chuckle as he hugs me tightly from behind. I smile, looking down. I can't help it. We walk towards the door like that.

He fumbles with his keys. I watch his movements. Somehow he seems upset. Or maybe, I'm overthinking?

He sticks the key in the hole. I notice him smiling.

Thrill runs through me.

"Disgusting," I blush.

Naughty ass..

He pushes the door and we walk in. Soon as I'm inside, I immediately remember my first time being here, in this mansion. It's hard to fathom that this is really a 18 year old's house.

Quite fortunate..

Makes me wonder about his background. Are they like Rich Gates or something?

"Man ago work pan it," his voice echoes as he walks towards the kitchen. I stare at him. I'm still standing on the welcome mat.

"Work on what?" I decide to be slow, now walking closer. I don't bother to go in the kitchen. Instead, I take a seat in the living area.

"Your attitude," he speaks with a glint in his eyes while chugging down a beetroot juice.

Why that juice?

You know..

"Boyy?" I laugh nervously, looking upwards at the high ceilings and the posh chandelier hanging down.

 Not My Type 3: Alternate WorldWhere stories live. Discover now