05. Dark

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Z  A  R  A

I sit across from the Riveras, with a beautiful smile

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I sit across from the Riveras, with a beautiful smile. It's almost half an hour since I've settled in.

The table is embellished with diverse food. Ranging from Beef steak and broccoli, California fried sushi rolls along with ribs served with crunchy fries.

Stuff I like.

With my boyfriend right next to me. Yet, I feel uncomfortable.

"So...Zara," Mr. Riveras starts again. "What are your parents career?"


That's a weird way to ask that question.

This is starting to feel like an interrogation room.


But of course, I have to display a beautiful smile despite how I'm feeling.

I wouldn't want to give off the wrong impression to my in laws.


I do hope they like me thus far.

Dem nuh like yuh a baxide!

That's not helping..

"My mother is a Social worker.." Mrs. Rivera finally smiles. It's a bit small, but it counts I guess.

As for Mr. Rivera he's still waiting. When I don't continue he presses on.

"Good. And your father?"

I glance at Malik. He's staring quietly, while sipping Mojito.

"I..uh..my father is a business man," I lie.

Why did I lie?

Maybe because I'm trying to please them?


I can't even eat without feeling watched. It's as if I'm going through an assessment and I have to reach a particular requirement by the end of it.

"Good. What business?"


I was hoping he didn't ask this. I glance at Malik for help, he looks away.

 Not My Type 3: Alternate WorldWhere stories live. Discover now