52. Complain

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Hey🌺...just a reminder that I made some changes to the previous upload.

I didn't proof read.

Z  A  R  A

"Why yuh phone a ring so much?" I turn, annoyed

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"Why yuh phone a ring so much?" I turn, annoyed. I see him approaching the net bed with a tray of fruits.

The champagne in his hand.

"Make wah a gwan a yard stay a yard," he chuckles.

He's all about me.

Love this fi you girllllll!

I trail my eyes on his tattoos, liking how sexy he looks even in a robe.

"Look at you...a Jack of all trades, you're now a waiter," I joke. "What's next?"

"A father?" a smile lits his face.

I laugh.

"Are you finally happy?" I don't take my eyes off him.

"Yah...." he licks his lips.

"I am too...you make me happy," I press the sheet to my chest. His eyes on my breast. The look from earlier returns.

I look down.

Naked? Yes I am.

Have I been ridingggg? Ever since we came back!

I wanted to get his mind off things. He has been through a lot.

"Anything for you," I smile at him. I just love how at peace he is. He's like the breeze.

"How round two out here again sound?" he makes me shudder.

I was thinking the same.

"About right..." I cross my legs, pulling the sheet up to my chest.


"This place kinda stay like Maldives...isolated, oceanic and Boujie," I say to him. He steals a kiss from my lips and slip a finger in.

I gasp, he pulls it out.

"You gonna suck that off?" I stare at it, he blushes.

"Mmmm?" I'm blushing too. He brings his finger to his lip and sucks it off. His eyes still doesn't leave mine.

I stare at him in silence.

 Not My Type 3: Alternate WorldWhere stories live. Discover now