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Lance woke up with only one thing on his mind: Show everyone who's boss, once and for all. Last night when he was scrolling through his second twitter account (his pseudonym one), he came across a tweet asking people to place bets on who would win in the next Voltron Street Racing Event. Confidently, he read the comments thinking that he was the obvious choice. However, to his surprise, people have started swaying towards Keith, wanting to give him the ultimate title of the best street racer.

Naturally, Lance was not about to let that slide. He was the best racer. He had to be the best racer. Second place wasn't good enough. What was he worth if he wasn't the best? Racing is his whole career, his whole life. How was he being compared to Keith, who just does racing for fun? Lance had enough, so he decided to stir up some drama, and give Keith a friendly warning that Lance was not up for playing games anymore. This was going to be the real deal.

He went to sleep in full confidence that night, so when he woke up this morning, he was in full game mode. It is currently 8am, and the event begins at 8pm, giving Lance a full 12 hours to mentally and physically prepare for what was going to end up being either the best or worst night of his life.

He got out of bed and went to get ready to go out. He had planned to meet Allura, the daughter of the creator of the biggest fashion line in the country, in about an hour for breakfast. Allura was the only person Lance had trusted with his biggest secret, that he was in fact the one behind Blue's mask. He couldn't tell his best friends, Pidge and Hunk, because they wouldn't understand. They were the two best and smartest people in the engineering team for VLD auto racing, and they were strictly 'by the book'. They didn't believe in street racing, and thought it was just for amateur drug gangs, so Lance didn't bother trying to change their mind. It wasn't too hard keeping that secret from them anyway, since their lives were purely too busy to be watching street races or getting involved with what anyone had to say about them, so they haven't seen all the posts on the Internet trying to figure out who the mysterious man was behind Blue's mask.

Lance loved his life, mostly. He loved his friends, his fans, his family, auto racing, street racing. I mean, what wasn't there to love about his life? He had it all. Or so he thought up until recently. All of his friends have been starting serious relationships, moving in with their partners or even starting families and completely different lives of their own. Lance was getting left behind.

He had never been able to keep a relationship, and to be honest he never really had one in the first place. This usually came as a surprise to people, since Lance literally flirts with anything that breathes and he is the best looking person to ever walk on earth, but no one ever loved him. Like, really loved him. Sure loads of girls, and some guys, always drooled over him and wanted to hook up, but they never wanted anything more. At first, he loved the attention and casual hook ups because it gave him time to focus on his career. But now that his career is thriving, he feels like he's missing out on the opportunity for love. The type of love that's unconditional and forever. The type of love you see in movies. That's the type of love Lance wanted, the type he craved. Whatever though. Lance was fine. He had his friends. That's all he needed, right?

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