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Walking towards the exit, Lance finally spots Keith sitting in a small cafe situated right next to the exit. Keith is sitting in the back corner, and the only reason Lance actually managed to see him was because he was the only one there. Well, apart from an older couple sitting near the front.

Lance stops in his tracks for a second, considering whether or not he should actually go in. If he does, he'll have to talk to Keith. The thought of doing that literally made Lance feel so uneasy. But why? Doesn't matter. He has to man up.

He settled on going in. That's as far as his plan went. When he actually walks into the cafe, who knows what will happen.

So, as planned, Lance hesitantly walked into the cafe. It was small and cozy, decorated for Halloween and dimly lit with orange lights hanging around the walls. This was like the perfect place to go on a date. It was never too busy, the drinks there were to die for, and it was always lit in the most welcoming, relaxing and romantic way.

Out of every place Lance could picture Keith in, this would honestly be the last. Can you imagine a criminal in a romantic coffee shop? Yeah, didn't think so.

But looking at Keith, sitting there in the back of the Cafe with the orange lights hitting his face at just the right angle, showing off his facial features and those beautiful big eyes looking down at his drink, stirring it carefully, Lance couldn't see Keith as a criminal. Not even close. He just looked like any other normal guy, except from the scar Keith had on his face.

Lance never really got the chance to notice the scar. At events, Keith's long hair covered up most of his face, and it was always really dark anyway. Lance was always way too busy to actually look at Keith properly. He didn't have that scar when he was with VLD auto racing, so Lance figured he got it when he got into street racing. Probably from the big drug operation he coordinated two years ago.

Lance also didn't really notice it before walking into the cafe, since he mostly stared at the back of his head earlier, and when they were talking Lance looked anywhere but his face, even though the conversation wasn't all that awkward and seemed casual.

But now, standing in the door, looking at Keith being completely oblivious to being stared at, Lance could really take in his face. The last time he properly looked at Keith was when he was leaving VLD, so he was quite a bit younger back then. He still looked the same, yet completely different at the same time. His hair was longer, his eyes were more baggy, he has a few barely visible small scars on his face from what looks like getting beaten up, not to mention the huge prominent scar that covers his whole right cheek, and he just looked sadder. He looked hurt. But not physically. It was the type of hurt that people try to hide, yet you can see it so clearly in their eyes.

At least two minutes have gone past now, Lance still standing by the door, leaning against the window, looking at Keith. One of the workers must have noticed this and walked up to Lance.

"Are you okay sir?" It was a young boy, probably an older teenager.

Lance looked at him, quite startled. He was so lost in thought about Keith's face that he forgot he was stood at the door. "Oh, no, sorry. I'm okay."

"Are you sure? You've been standing at the door looking at that man over there for a couple minutes now. You know him?"

"Yes. I mean no. Well, yes. I do. But not really."

"Right, well do you need anything?" The boy looked concerned. Who wouldn't?

"No, I'm okay. I'm going to go sit down now. Thank you though."

"No problem." He turned on his heel and sped off behind the counter.

Lance made his way past the older couple sitting by the window and walked up to Keith's table in the very back corner.

Keith heared someone walking in his direction, making him look up just to find himself making eye contact with Lance. The very person he ran away from fifteen minutes ago. His day really couldn't be getting any worse, could it?

Keith left earlier because he thought that's what would be best for everyone. And by everyone, he means Lance. Surely a perfect, talented, famous, pretty boy like Lance wouldn't want to hang out with someone like Keith? Yeah. So, he left with the idea in mind that he's taking a weight off Lance's shoulder. He could go and enjoy his time with Allura and Romelle now and Keith could have some peace and quiet.

So why is Lance here? At Keith's table? Just standing and looking at the wall? He's not even looking at Keith. He's literally just standing there, arms to the side, looking at the wall above Keith's head. Should he say something? Probably. But was he going to? Actually, yeah, he is. Keith can't stand the awkward silence between them, and Lance clearly looked uncomfortable standing there like that.

"You can sit down you know." Was all Keith managed to say, quickly and in a voice just above a whisper.

"What? Oh. Right. Yes. Sitting down." Lance says, looking at Keith for a moment before taking a seat opposite him.

It was silent for a bit.

"So.." Keith spoke.

"So.." Lance repeated.

"What are you doing here?"

"Sitting." Lance tried to be funny, but the way he said it was more like he was just stating what he's doing seriously instead of in the jokey tone it was meant to come out as.

"Yes, I can see that. But what are you actually doing here. As in why are you sitting with me?"

"I know what you meant. That was meant to be funny."

"Oh, right."


Another moment of silence passed. Keith was honestly getting a bit agitated now. He wanted some peace and quiet, alone. And well, he was getting that, but it was because Lance was just sat there staring off into space, occasionally glancing at Keiths scar. Which Keith definitely noticed.

It was still silent. Keith felt so uncomfortable he couldn't even drink his coffee anymore with Lance glancing over at his face without saying anything.

"Spit it out already."

Lance was shocked at the angry tone Keith spoke in. It was still just above a whisper, but you could tell Keith was clearly annoyed. Lance looked at Keith. "Spit what out?"

"Why you're here? And you clearly want to ask about my scar. You keep staring at it."

"Do I?"

Keith just sighed. "Fine, don't talk then. Easier for me." He said while standing up.

"Wait where are you going?"

"Home." Keith didn't even stop to look at Lance anymore. He left some money on the table to cover for the drink and started to head out.

"Wait, Keith, don't leave yet."

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