forty eight

752 29 34

When Keith got back home, it was early afternoon. He decided that he needed to stop being stupid and grow a pair. By doing what? Calling Lance. Well, calling Allura, but telling her to let him talk to Lance.

The phone started ringing, and there was no going back.

"What do you want?" Allura whispered down the phone. Her and Lance were back at her place now, Lance resting up in the spare room as she sat downstairs.

"Give him the phone."

"He's not here."

"Please Allura."

"He isn't here."

"Bullshit. You wouldn't let him be at home on his own after everything. Especially when his phone is still at my house." Keith spoke with a rough tone. "Give him the phone."

"Why should I do that? What changed over night?"

"Nothing changed. I just need to talk to him."

"I thought I made it clear that you needed to change."

"Allura I swear to god. Just give him the damm phone. Please."

"Fine. Give me a second." Allura gave in and put Keith on hold as she went upstairs to check on Lance.

"You asleep?" She asked.

"No." Lance muttered back.

"There's someone on the phone for you."

Lance quickly sat up. "What? Who?"

"Wanna take a guess?"

"Kei- No. No Allura I can't talk to him. No."

"I'm perfectly happy to hang up if that's what you want me to-"

"No don't hang up."

"You want to talk to him then?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Lance, I don't think talking to him is a good idea. Not yet."

"Why did he call? What did he say?"

"He just wanted me to give you the phone."

"Fuck. I don't know what to do."

"I can't keep him on hold forever."

"I'll talk to him. Give me the phone."

Allura passes Lance the phone and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. She thought about standing outside to eavesdrop, but decided its probably best not to.

Lance took Keith off hold and waited for him to say something.

"Allura? Does he want to talk to me?" Keith asked the second he got taken off.

Lance was frozen. Shit. What was he meant to say? Why does Keith want to talk to him?

"It's Lance."

"Oh- Lance!" Keith said, rather startled.


"Hi." What was Keith doing? He didn't plan this far.

"Uh, you wanted to talk to me?"

"Right, yeah. I did."

"So?" Great. This was clearly another mistake. Maybe Keith was just playing with him.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"You called Allura to give me the phone to ask if I'm okay?" Lance started to think that Keith was nervous. But why? It can't be because he actually wanted to talk to Lance, right? Why would he?

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