twenty four

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Just before Keith left his house, his phone started ringing. It was Shiro, probably calling to remind Keith that he was going to be there. Keith wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to him at the minute, but he loves Shiro, so he answered anyway.

"Hi." Keith said bluntly.

"Key Keith. Have you left yet?" Shiro asked.

"I was just about to before you called me."

"Ah, okay. I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way now."

"Okay. I'll see you then."

"You alright Keith?" His voice sounded genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. Just nerves I guess."

"That's understandable. But you'll be okay. Im sure of it."

Keith was taken aback slightly. Last time they spoke Shiro sounded very doubtful but now he's saying he believes in him. Keith wasn't sure what to think.

"Thanks Shiro. I'll see you soon."


Keith hung up and quickly left his house. He went down to his garage and got into his red Ford Mustang. He loved that car, it was the one he always took to races. It may not be the coolest looking, but Keith wasn't all about that anyway.

After a while of driving, he was just a few minutes from the event. If he wasn't nervous before then he definitely is now, which he still was before, but now the nerves are even worse.

Keith turned down his music and rolled down the windows, letting the cold autumn wind brush against his face. A long mullet like his would normally annoy people, having it brush against their neck and face while they drives, but it never bothered him. He liked his long hair actually, it covered his face nicely.

"Oh my god! It's Keith!" Shouted someone from their car, in the lane next to Keith.

Keith looked over and gave them a quick wave before speeding off. It was probably quite rude of him, but he needed to avoid any more interactions for as long as he could.

Finally arriving, Keith drove through the crowds and pulled up to the Galra Team area. Slowly getting out of his car, he looked around to see who showed up from all the other teams. As he turned towards the Altea Team area, he saw one of the racers pointing at him. It was hard to tell who it was, but Keith assumed it was Lotor. Everyone knew Lotor for being straight up and confrontational. Looking besides Lotor, Keith immediately knew it was Blue. Everyone could tell that mask was Blue's from a mile away. His heart did something funny as he looked at Blue, he couldn't quite describe the feeling but it made him feel uneasy. It was nerves, after all they will be facing eachother seriously later. And Keith still couldn't quite shake the thought that Blue seemed too familiar to Lance. Why was Keith still thinking about Lance?

"Keithy! You made it!" Shouted Ezor, a member of his team.

"We were starting to worry you wouldn't show your face." Added Zethrid bluntly.

"Well I'm here now." Replied Keith.

"And a good thing that is! Have you seen how many people showed up tonight? Wouldn't wanna disappoint all of them." Said Ezor.

"I have in fact seen how many people showed up. I had to drive through them all Ezor."

"Oh, right, yeah. I saw that."

Zethrid laughed, Keith sighed. Keith wasn't close with anyone from his team, but he didn't mind them. They were all good racers and mechanics, and maybe under different circumstances he would be friends with them, but he couldn't. He had little interest in being friends with people who raced under the influence of anything, and besides he used to deal with them and they're the reason he got into so much shit a few years back. So it just felt a little weird being friends with them.

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