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"Hey, Keith? Don't disappear on me again." Shiro said to Keith as he walked out to his car.

"Okay. Promise." Keith assured. He was going to add that to the list of promises he will take seriously. He missed Shiro.

The two had been talking for about two hours about how they've been since they last saw eachother. Keith wasn't exactly sure how helpful Shiro would be since he decided to open a gym with Adam instead of racing, but he was more helpful than ever. Keith felt better. A lot better.

Well, until he got into his car just now. Thoughts about Lance came crawling back as if they never left. God, what was he going to do now?

Turning on his car and speeding off down the road, he reached for his phone to put on some music, he was instead startled by his phone ringing.

After a few seconds of questioning whether he should actually pick up, he answered and put the call on speaker.

"Hey! Keith! You actually picked up for once!" Said the person on the other end excitedly.

"Yep, that I did. Did you need anything?" Keith said back shortly, in a slightly nicer and calmer tone than he gives most people.

"I do actually. I need you to meet me at the mall in fifteen minutes."

"What? Why?"

"Shiro called Coran who called me that you're having an off day. Just meet me there, please? You won't regret it, promise!"

"What the fuck? Okay. I'll be there in ten."

"Great! See you soon!"

Keith hung up. What the fuck was going on? He was going to murder Shiro for this. Shiro always did this whenever Keith was in a mood. He'd call everyone up and get someone to keep Keith company to cheer him up. For a reason that Keith could absolutely never fathom, Shiro had decided that Coran was the 'master of cheering people up', so he was always the first to get called. From there, it was usually hit or miss with who Coran deemed fit to call about Keith's mood.

This time, Keith was actually sort of excited. He hasn't seen this person in a while, and although he really wasn't in the mood for an energetic, bubbly and overly sweet bundle of joy to be glued to his side at the mall, he couldn't help but feel slightly better already.

After a couple minutes of driving, Keith finally made it to the mall. He parked his car further down the road as to minimise risk of some idiot with poor ability to park to scratch up his car, and also because it was easier to avoid cameras that way. Keith rarely got noticed by officers on patrol, he assumed they gave up in looking for him so less people knew about him, but he didn't want to take any chances of being spotted in his car.

Spending a few extra minutes reconsidering his life decisions, he got out his car carefully and made his way towards the entrance. It wasn't too busy, considering it was a Saturday, so Keith felt slightly better. He wanted to avoid crowds as much as possible.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks when spotting a car that looked oddly familiar. It was a white porsche taycan. Normally, there were two types of people in this city. One, people with black or very dark coloured cars. Two, people with unnecessarily bright coloured cars. There was rarely ever anyone with a white car these days, so Keith could've sworn he knew who that car belonged to. He just couldn't quite place it.

Actually, after staring at it for another couple of seconds, of course Keith knew who it belonged to. There was only one person in this city who would be obnoxious and extra enough to be different and get a white car to stand out. What Keith couldn't figure out is how the person happened to be here, at the mall, at the same time as him. This can't be good.

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