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"So, where do you wanna go now?" Asked Allura, praying that Lance will be in the mood to go somewhere so he can take his mind off Keith.

"Wherever." He replied bluntly, eyes on the road, driving around aimlessly.

Allura sighed.

Lance gave her a quick glance. "What?"

"I'm calling Romelle."

"What? Why?"

"Only she can save you."

Lance raised an eyebrow at Allura. She was clearly being extra. Lance didn't need 'saving'. He was fine. Completely fine. He trailed off into his thoughts and was cut off by the sound of Alluras phone ringing.

"Hey Mel! How are you?"

"Allura! I'm so glad you called. We haven't spoken in ages!"

"Right? It's been way too long. I was actually just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Lance. He needs a bit of a 'pick me up' and I figured you're the best person for that."

"Ooh yes I'd love to! I'm actually heading to the mall right now. Meet me there?"

"Perfect. We'll be there in five. See you soon!"

"See ya!"

Allura hung up the phone and looked over at Lance. She could tell he was hiding a smile. Lance absolutely loved going to the mall. It gave him an excuse to flirt with all the ladies walking around, and he got to show off his and Allura's clothing line. The girls loved him, and Lance loved the attention, so Allura could tell he was excited to go. But there was still part of him who was way too concerned about tonight's race.

They made it to the mall and made their way to the entrance where Romelle was waiting for them. She had her beautiful blond hair up in two pigtails and wore a bright pink jumper and black leggings, so she wasn't hard to spot.

Allura had her hair down and wore a dark blue, long sleeved cropped jumper with a long white skirt. She seemed to have a natural talent of never getting her clothes dirty, so she wore white basically all the time. Lance was truly amazed with how she managed to never ruin her outfits. Maybe it was the model in her.

Lance wore blue baggy jeans and a light grey jumper. His hair was fluffy and slightly too long for his liking, but Allura had managed to convince him not to cut it yet because 'girls like guys with long fluffy hair' and honestly, she wasn't wrong.

As Romelle spotted them, she ran up and gave them both a big long hug. Lance immediately felt better. He forgot how big of an influence this girl had on him. She was just an absolute joy to be around and she always knew what to do to cheer him up. Apparently a simple hug did the trick.

"Where do you want to go first?" Asked Allura.

"Actually, we're just waiting on one more person. He should be here soon."

"Oh? Who are we waiting for?" Replied Allura, looking over at Lance who was now visibly less excited.

"Ah, there he is!" Romelle replied pointing over towards the man walking in their direction.

Lance looked over hesitantly. He froze. There's no way. There's no way this was happening right now. He wanted to die on the spot right then and there. He looked over at Allura only to see she had the same exact reaction as him. She knew this wouldn't be good.

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