forty three

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Running into the bedroom, Lance made Keith sit down on the bed as Lance rummaged through his clothes, making an absolute mess. He congregated a bunch of 'model worthy' clothes, as he said, and made Keith take them all into the bathroom to create some outfits to model for Lance.

Keith honestly had no clue what he was doing. Lance was way too excited when he was giving Keith instructions, so they came out as a big list of mumbled words.

"Are you coming out yet?" Lance shouted from outside the bathroom.

"Uh, what am I meant to be doing again?"

"Pick an outfit and model it!"

"Right." Keith took a deep breath in and looked through the pile of clothes Lance picked out for him. He couldn't have possibly chosen worse combinations, it's like he knew these were the ones Keith avoided wearing the most. There was only one white shirt and one pair of black jeans. Keith went with those first.

"Wait what am I meant to do when I pick an outfit?"

"Ugh Keith it's not that hard. Put it on and get out here."

Sighing, Keith opened up the bathroom door and stepped out.

"How did I know you would go with that outfit first." Lance laughed.

"I recall you saying you like me in black." Keith stated, leaning against the door frame, crossing his arms.

Lance rolled his eyes, but honestly he was trying so hard not to smile. "Whatever, model it for me."

"Literally not a clue what that requires me to do."

"You know what?" Lance said, standing up. "Let me demonstrate." He walked up to Keith and pushed him out the way, then signalling for him to go sit down on the bed. Keith obeyed, not sure what he was getting himself into.

Lance shut the bathroom door after getting in. He quickly looked through the clothes to see what would fit him, finding a white sleeveless shirt and grey baggy jeans. Putting them on quickly, he gave himself a glance in the mirror to fix up his hair, ruffling through his light curls and fluffing out his bangs.

"What are you doing in there?" Keith asked.

"Patience, I'm making myself camera ready."

Camera ready? Is that a modelling term?

After a few minutes, Keith saw the bathroom door opening. Out came Lance, smirking right at Keith for a second before looking away and strutting down Keith's bedroom, striking a few poses at the end. His walk was so powerful and confident, he was right in his element and you could tell he wasn't only a professional but was also genuinely passionate. Keith couldn't look away, something about Lance right now drew Keith closer to him, absolutely memorised. It was like Lance was a completely different person, but also himself all at once.

When he walked back up to the bathroom door, he immediately relaxed and the atmosphere around him changed again. He went back to his pre-modelling self, smirking at Keith as he leaned against the door frame. "Now you."

Now Keith? Was Lance okay? How on earth was he meant to collect himself that quickly after seeing Lance model for him in person. Keith has seen pictures and clips from Lance's modelling sessions before, not exactly willingly but just through posters or adverts or unescapable posts on the Internet. But right now, Keith swore he would willingly sit and watch him for hours.

Keith didn't reply, nor did he move. He just sat, staring at Lance, face full of shock yet still a sense of admiration.

"What?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow at Keith, who was still staring.

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