twenty five

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"Is that Shiro?" Asked Acxa when Keith returned.

"Yeah." Keith replied.

"What's he doing here? Street racing doesn't seem like his thing."

"It isn't."

"Keith, saying more words won't kill you you know." Said Kolivan.

"I know." He paused, everyone looked as if they expected him to say more, so he carried on. "He used to race for VLD but quit to become a personal trainer. He doesn't believe in street racing."

"Doesn't believe? What does that mean?" Asked Ezor.

"Thinks its a waste of time."

"God, old people don't know how to live." Ezor said.

"He's only 32."

Before anyone could say anything, Zarkon announced on the speakers that the tricks round is starting.

"Alright guys, give it your all." Kolivan said to everyone.

"You got this Ezor." Shouted Zethrid as Ezor got into her car. It was a bright pink Porsche with bright purple and yellow markings all over it. This is why she was up in this round. If people noticed her, people noticed the Galra Team. She got to show off her car and bubbly personality and people were more willing to bet on them.

Two more members of the team went out too. Keith knew who they were, but they never made an effort to talk to anyone on the team. They were only there because they had cool and fast cars and the team needed them in this round for bets.

Anyway, after a couple of minutes of the members of each team lining up with their cars, Zarkon started from one end and worked his way across to the next, asking each person to state their name, team, something about themselves, their car and their favourite thing about their car. It might seem weird, a bunch of criminals doing basic ice breaker questions, but they did it for the audience and the fans. Without them, the team members would be getting paid a quatre of the amount they get now from the bets.

Zarkon got to the Galra Team. The two other members were up first, Keith didn't really pay much attention to what they were doing. He was too busy letting his mind wander. More specifically, he was looking for someone amongst the Altea Team.

His search came to an end when he got started by Zethrid cheering on Ezor. "Yes Ezor! You show 'em!" She shouted.

Keith diverted his attention back to his team members. Ezor was showing off her cool engine sounds. It got a lot of attention. People don't expect women to know anything about cars, especially when their cars are mostly pink coloured.

The next, and last, team up was the Altea Street Race Gang. Blue was so excited to see his team members showing off. He wasn't exactly close with anyone from his team, since they didn't know who he was and he doesn't see them outside of events, but he could admit they were great at what they did.

First up in the line was Hira in her purple Mclaren. Lance loved that car, mostly because it was similar to his except the colour. He also was quite fond of Hira because she was just slightly older than Blue and she made it very clear that she for one drives sober. Bonus points from Blue for that.

Next up was someone Blue actually didn't know. Apparently he had been accepted into the team a few months ago at some small event that Lotor and Luka went to. They spoke to whoever they could get a hold of from the team and all agreed to let him in. Blue hadn't had a chance to get to know anything about him.

"Who's that new guy?" He asked Kei.

"Atlas. Lotor raced against him at some event a few months back. Luka wanted him on the team, Lotor apparently was too stuck up to agree at first but Luka convinced him."

"That is not how I remember it going." Said Lotor, offended.

"Uh huh. So how would you describe that chain of events?" Asked Luka, fixing something up in his car. "Choose your words wisely. I can and will damage your car."

"You dare mess her up!" Lotor shouted.

Before Luka could reply, another member of the team stopped everyone.

"Look at his car!" She shouted.

Everyone turned to look. His car was beaming colourful lights from each window. The crowd was in absolute awe, and honestly looking around, each team was too. It was beautiful. Atlas had colourful LED lights in his car and installed crystallised sheets on his windows that reflected the light in such a mesmerising way.

"We're definitely winning with this guy repping us." Luka said.

"Agreed." Said the other female team member, Alma. She was also a racer for the team. She definitely wasn't as good as Blue, no one was, but she was definitely on the same level as Lotor. Don't tell anyone, but Blue would even say she might be better than Lotor. Though Blue didn't know whether she actually was or if he was being biased because he wasn't a fan of Lotor.

Either way, Blue started to look at all the other teams who were standing around in their areas, looking at the lights. While scanning through the Galra area, he locked eyes with someone.

Keith. Out of all people. How was it possible that the one person he locked eyes with is Keith.

He wasn't looking at him as Blue, but as Lance. Blue would have looked away, but Lance couldn't. Why? Couldn't tell you. There was something about the way Lance could see all the colourful lights in Keith's eyes, even from across the rather large distance between their areas, that made him mesmerised.

Keith clearly thought the same, as he couldn't look away either. He had been trying to spot Blue since the event started, and now he finally did. While everyone was looking at the lights, Keith found himself looking at Blue. Yet for some reason, it felt like he was looking at someone else. Those eyes seemed all too familiar. But Keith doesn't look anyone in the eye, so who could they be reminding him of?

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