twenty three

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The most anticipated night of the year. The Voltron Street Racing Event. Dozens of racers, thousands of fans, millions of viewers, all gathered from around the country, some even from around the world, all to watch some illegal, dangerous and reckless racing.

As the crowds started condensing, screams got louder, car lights flashed harder and excitement grew larger, only one question was on everyone's minds. Who would be granted the grand title of The Best Street Racer.

Lance was just a mere few minutes from reaching the event. His heartbeat was steady, breathing was calm and body relaxed. After seeing himself in his suit and mask, he felt absolutely unstoppable. Nothing was going to take this away from him. Not stress, not Allura, not the police, and definitely not Keith. At the end of the day, Keith was just a low life drug addict who just so happened to be sober on the day Lance really got to meet him. One day of soberness doesn't make up for the rest. So Lance was not going to let him take the title from him.

He hit the gas pedal, revved his engine and rolled down his windows. Lance made it to the event. Crowds grew wild after spotting his iconic Blue car, pointing and screaming and running towards it. Lance loved this. He could live in this moment forever.

Slowly driving through the crowd, everyone screaming at him, taking pictures, holding out their hands and cheering him on, Lance felt better than ever before. Nothing could break his confidence right now, and there was no way he was going to give this up. Ever.

He knew Allura was watching the live streams, waiting for him to make the speech that this was going to be his last race. Oh boy won't she be disappointed. Oh well, Lance wasn't going to let that bother him. It was a future him problem. Honestly if anything, Allura should be expecting Lance to do the complete opposite of what was planned. Including the strategy plan they both came up with this morning during breakfast before all hell rained down on them at the mall.

Freestyling was Lance's plan of action for today. He was going to wing it. And he was going to win.

Getting out of his car, he walked up to his teams area, lifting up the 'security tape' and walking swiftly under it. "What's up guys!"

"Hello Blue. You're late." Said Lotor, one of his teammates. Lotor was the second best in their team, and he's always had it out for Blue but they manage to put their differences aside when it really matters. Lotor also just so happens to be a photographer, a really good one at that. He works with Allura, although Lance wasn't sure how that works since technically he shouldn't be able to since he does illegal racing.. but oh well?

"Lotor, my guy, you aren't gonna give me a hard time today will ya?" Asked Blue.

"Wouldn't dream of it. Besides, you did it to yourself already."

Blue raised an eyebrow.

"He means your tweet, dumbass." Chimed in Luka, who was sat on the hood of Lotors car. Luka is one of the teams mechanics, and the best one at that.

"Don't listen to them. I know you'll win!" Exclaimed Kei. He's the youngest member of their team at only 17 years old, but he's Luka's brother. Luka and Kei don't have much family, so they resulted to being mechanics for street racers. Pay is good if they win, which they do a lot.

"Knew I could count on you Kei." Says Blue, pointing finger guns at the boy.

"Hey, isn't that Keith's car pulling in now?" Asked Lotor, pointing over towards the Galra teams area.

Blue quickly spun round, eyes wide, heart suddenly skipping a beat. It was hard to miss the bright red, sparky clean car that just drove in. The driver side door swung open and out emerged a tall man, wearing a red and black suit, long black hair tied in a low pony tail. It was Keith. Even though Lance had just seem him a few hours ago, it was different again this time. It was in a familiar environment, and it wasn't casual this time. This time there wasn't going to be any flirting or small talk. Lance was going to crush him.

"Woah, every time I see him he looks so much cooler than before!" Shouted Kei.

Luka slapped him on the arm after she slid off Lotor's car. "No complementing the enemy. Especially not mullet guy."

"Luka is right. We don't want to accidently manifest their win. We can't let that happen today. Thanks to Blue. If they win we'll look even more stupid." Replied Lotor.

"Oh shut up you." Said Letta. She always appears out of nowhere. Letta is a racer on the team, a very good one, but rarely actually put into races. She's more there for the appel aspect. Her car is awesome, and she's a crowd pleaser, so the crowd absolutely love her, meaning more bets for their team.

"Letta! Aren't you just as stunning and ever." Blue said while giving her a quick hug. He loved that girl, she was the first person who made Blue feel welcome and part of the team when he first joined.

She laughed, giving him a hug back.

A few more members of the team gathered round, chatting for a bit and catching up briefly since the last time they spoke. Majority of the team only speak at events, so their relationship is very 'pick up from where they left off'. They all loved it though, not seeing eachother for months and then acting like they had just spoken yesterday. As Blue stood there, watching them all, he realised that maybe he was being to harsh on them. They are his friends, for all intents and purposes.

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