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"Zethrid was the one who made the deal, and she filled us in with what she knew, which was just that we had to get the drugs to the Balmeran Gang, they were to pay us and then once the money found its way to Japan, we'd get half the cut."

"So 5 million?"

"Yes Lance. Congratulations."

Lance rolled his eyes at Keith's sarcasm before Keith continued his story. "It seemed simple enough, except the fact there was only three of us responsible for 20kg of drugs. I don't know how much you know about the business, but that's a shit load of fucking responsibility. We were only prepared for 5, which was still a lot. I told Zethrid and Ezor that we needed to call it off, but Zethrid wouldn't budge. She said she was glad the amount got tripled, because it meant triple the amount of money it was worth."

Lance didn't say anything.

"We were arguing about it for way too long, and by the time I gave in we only had two hours to make the trade, and half of that was the time it would take us to get to the drop off point. Once we loaded the truck and were on our way, I realised we were getting followed after about the half way mark of our drive. I tried to shake them off, but they were right on my tail the whole time. Ezor figured out they were from another street gang, and they probably assumed we were loaded with drugs. Which we were."

"What team was it?"

Keith hoped that question wouldn't come up. "It doesn't matter. Anyway, so when we-"

"No no, Keith, what team was it?"

"I don't know. I forgot."

"You forgot? You just said it didn't matter."

"Yeah because I forgot."

"Keith. Who was it?"


Lance knew that would be the answer. He just needed to hear it from him. "What the fuck was my team doing trying to steal drugs off you? And why wasn't I aware? Who was it from Altea?"

"Lance it really doesn't matter."

"Yes it fucking does they're my team."

"This happened three years ago. I'm sure they had their reasons."

"Are you trying to tell me I was the only one who wasn't in on it?"

Keith didn't answer, which told Lance all he needed to know.

"Lance they would have gone anyway. Even if they did tell you about it, you wouldn't have agreed. And they would have still tried."

Lance didn't say anything. He knew Keith was right, and he wasn't close with anyone on his team anyway so it shouldn't have bothered him. But for some reason it did. Not that he didn't get to be involved, but that they didn't even think to ask.

"Should I stop?"

"No. Carry on."

"Okay. As I was saying, they were following us. I took us away from the drop off point, making us lose a lot of time but I had to try get them to leave. Zethrid tried to tell me to just forget it and stick to the plan and that we could fight them off if it came to it during the hand off, but I was pissed and wouldn't listen. I was pissed that Altea thought they could steal from us. The drugs didn't matter to me, but I knew if they got stolen I'd be fucked. So instead of listening to Zethrid, I told her we needed to get rid of them when we had the chance."

"When you say get rid-"

"I meant we had to kill them."

"Keith-" Lance was shocked. Maybe he underestimated how violent of a person Keith is. Or was. What if he still is? What if Lance pissed him off and Keith- No. Lance couldn't think that. Keith wouldn't do that.

Street Racing- KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now