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The group couldn't decide on where to eat, to they decided they'd go to Allura's place and choose something to order when they get there. They all got into their cars, Allura with Lance, and headed to Allura's place. Keith had never been at her house before, so he had to get directions.

"You and Keith hanging out, huh?" Allura teased after getting in the passenger seat.

Lance slammed her door closed a little too aggressively. He hurried round the car to the drivers side and sat down. "Sorry, didn't mean to slam the door." That made Allura jump. But she wasn't scared of Lance's mood swings. She knew he'd never hurt anyone, he just takes his anger out on inanimate objects. Like his cars, even though they're literally his prize possessions.

"Uh huh." Allura said, rolling her eyes playfully.


"You and Keith. What's that about?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said angrily while starting up the car and heading out the car park.

"Yeah you do." She paused, looking at Lance. He was visibly panicking, trying to keep calm. What did Allura know? Lance didn't even know what just happened. He spent like an hour with Keith completely on and off being awkward and half flirting? No, not flirting. Lance didn't know what that was. And Allura noticed? Oh no. "You guys are friends now." She finished.

Right. Of course. Friends. What was Lance thinking. Of course that's what Allura meant. "We're not. We were just talking."

Allura didn't say anything. They drove in silence for a few minutes before she decided to say something. "You know, it's not too late to take the tweet down."

"What? Are you insane? I can't do that!" He replied, half shouting, taking his eyes off the road to look at her.

"Watch the road!" Allura shouted.

Lance turned his head back forward, hitting the breaks hard making them both fly forward when he realised they reached traffic lights that were turning red.

"What is up with you right now?" Allura asked rather roughly.

"Nothing! You're just distracting me."

"Distracting you? Please. That's hardly an excuse. You don't get distracted, especially when you drive. You could practically do it with your eyes closed!"

"Whatever. Nothing's up with me. I'm not taking the tweet down. It's too late anyway, half the fucking world has seen it by now, including Keith! It would be so suspicious for me to take it down now. It'll be as if I changed my mind about him."

Allura's face dropped. So that's what this was about. "But you have, haven't you?" She said a little more softly.

Lance's expression also changed. He looked more upset than angry now. "Blue hasn't."

"But you are Blue."

"The world doesn't know that." He said a little more angrily again before he paused for a minute, looking quickly at Allura. "Keith doesn't know that."

He looked back quickly at the road. They stayed silent. Allura didn't know what to say to that. He was right. No one knew about Lance's identity. It never used to be a problem, until now. Lance's rival, the person that basically kept him doing street racing because of his drive to out do Keith, is now becoming his friend.

And now he'd have to face him tonight. Usually, Lance was great at calling people out and being confident in beating them in a race. Whenever someone got put against him, they already knew he'd win. Lance got cocky because of that. But now, he's more nervous than he ever has been in his entire life. Calling out someone who he now knows in person, as Lance, changes everything.

They finally got to Alluras house. Lance pulled up his car next to Allura's light pink BMW that was parked outside her house. She was the second type of person who lives in the city. The type with unnecessarily bright coloured cars. But pink suited her, and she loved her car. Mainly because Lance bought it for her. They were soon followed by Romelle in her grey jeep, and finally Keith pulled up in his car.

"The house looks cool." Keith said to Allura after getting out his car.

"I know." She replied proudly.

Her house was quite big, having five bedrooms, three of which had balconies, and a huge garden with a pool. It was painted white with the window and door frames painted a light blue. It stood out completely from the rest of the houses in the area.

The four went inside and were greeted by a tall, old, ginger man.

"Princess! You're back! And I see you've brought guests." He stole the nickname 'princess' from Lance after he started using it.

"Hello Coran. How have you been since I've left?"

"Oh you know, just doing some tidying here and there and watching some tv with the mice."

"Mice?" Keith questioned.

"Oh my god! You need to meet the mice! They're so cute." Romelle said excitedly.

She dragged Keith into the lounge. Coran, Allura and Lance followed behind. The lounge was big. It had a huge tv mounted on the wall, a huge glass table surrounded by a soft fluffy couch big enough to seat eight people and two soft fluffy chairs in the corner of the room. In the other corner was a massive enclosure where the mice lived.

"Look!" Romelle pointed to four mice cuddled up under some branches inside the enclosure.

"Aren't they cute? They're called Splat, Splot, Splut and Split." Coran said. "I named them myself.

"I can tell." Keith said, laughing awkwardly.

Coran is Allura's uncle, but he's basically been looking after her her whole life. Her mother passed away when she was little and her father was always busy with his fashion designing. Allura loves her dad, but he's always been quite demanding of her and often just spent time with her by making her model clothes for him. She loved modelling, but that's not how she wanted to spend time with her dad. At least Coran was there for her. Obviously Allura is an adult now and can live on her own, but her and Coran are basically inseparable and he always comes round. He practically lives with her.

After a few minutes of introducing the mice to Keith, Coran left the group and they sat down on the couch deciding on what to get for lunch. They finally decided and Keith ordered the food.

"What should we do while we wait? You guys wanna watch a film?" Allura suggested.

"Sure. Sounds good." Keith replied.

"What film is everyone feeling?" Romelle asked.

"Lance? What do you think?" Allura turned to look at him. He'd been silent the whole time they were at her house apart from when he agreed on what they were going to order for lunch.

"I don't mind. Whatever you guys want." Lance replied.

"Back to the future." Keith said, looking at Lance.

Lance suddenly perked up. He didn't feel so awkward anymore. In fact, he was laughing now. "Are you insane? Who willingly watches that film anymore? I get you're emo and all but seriously?"

"Knew that would get you talking." Keith replied back proudly. He also had noticed Lance's quiet behaviour, but he didn't think it was his place to mention anything. He didn't know Lance, but one thing he could figure out is that he definitely wasn't the type to watch a film like Back to the future.

"I've never seen it." Said Romelle.

"Keep it that way." Added Lance.

"Hey, it's a good film." Keith tried to defend himself.

"Uh huh. Said no one ever." Lance said rolling his eyes.

"Well I did."

"And who are you exactly?"

"Alright, alright, calm down boys." Allura demanded, putting on a random film from her netflix list.

They were all silent for a while, but it was a comfortable silence. Well, it was until Romelle suddenly asked a question.

"What's everyone doing tonight?"

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