thirty one

609 31 35

The rest of the journey was spent in silence, Keith paying full attention to the road and his surroundings, making sure they're not being followed, and Lance staring out the window trying to hide how much pain he is actually in. His headache seemed to be getting worse and he felt really tired. Oddly too tired. But he couldn't let that show. He was fine. He had to be fine.

It was quite an awkward and tense drive, given the fact they had literally been through so much in just one evening and they had so many unfinished conversations and unanswered questions, but they knew it was best to leave it.

Not only that, but the drive was also a lot longer than it needed to be because Keith took Lance's request of driving slowly a bit too seriously. He was going 25 in a 50 zone. Luckily there wasn't a lot of cars around, even though it was only about 10pm, but Keith figured it must be because everyone was probably watching back videos from the event. Boy was he looking forward to opening up his social media. (He really isn't. That was sarcasm.)

Lance tried to stay aware of his surroundings as best as he could to try figure out where they were, but he figured out that he has just never been in this part of the city before, which is honestly shocking since Lance has been practically everywhere.

They finally arrived at Keith's apartment. He parked his car in the garage and got out, Lance following shortly after.

"You good?" Asked Keith as Lance got out of the car, slowly but surely.

"I'm fine."

"There's an elevator up to my room, we'll take that."

The boys got in and silently waited until they reached the top. Keith got out first and walked to his door, opening it for Lance.

"You go lay down on the bed, ill be back in a minute."

"Where are you going?"

"Making sure everything's locked."

Lance nodded and went to sit down on Keith's bed after plugging in Keith's phone to charge. He figured he would just call Allura from Keith's phone and charge his when he gets home. Looking around the room, Lance noticed it was a rather empty and sad room, with only the bed, a small bedside table and a wardrobe. Everything was black and red, which Lance found quite funny. Keith was very committed to his emo-ness.

Within a quick few minutes, Keith returned with a fist aid kit in one hand and a glass of water in the other. "I'm back."

Lance looked at the kit and then up at Keith. "What are you planning on doing with that?"

"Making sure you don't die in your sleep."  He replied while sitting down on his bed next to Lance. He underestimated how far he should sit away from Lance, and he practically might have sat right on top of him.

That startled Lance a bit, making him move back slightly, looking away from Keith.

"You have to turn towards me."

Lance looked at Keith, he said it in such a calm tone. As if it wasn't weird enough that they were sitting so close, Lance also now had to face him. But he did. Lance turned his body slowly and put his legs up on the bed, crossing them. Keith suddenly did the same, and their knees were now touching.

How was Keith not freaking out about this? Lance was definitely freaking out. Is it hot in here?

Keith gave Lance the glass of water and opened the first aid kit, taking out a box of pills. He took one out and gave it to Lance. Lance looked at the pill for a few seconds, inspecting it thoroughly.

"It's a pain killer."

Lance looked at Keith. He seemed calm and genuine, so Lance decided to trust him and took the pill.

Keith then reached into the kit again, taking out some wipes and some wound spray. He sprayed the wipes and looked at Lance's head. He had a pretty big and nasty wound on his forehead.

He looked Lance in the eyes, and Lance could tell that was him asking if he's okay to clean his wound, so he nodded.

"It might sting." Keith said as he went to wipe Lance's wound.

Lance winced in pain, making Keith jolt his hand back.

Keith gave him the same look as before, waiting for permission to carry on. Lance nodded again, this time bracing himself for the sting.

Lance didn't know where to look. His face was really close to Keith's right now. Where was he meant to look? Keith was busy looking at Lance's forehead. For some reason, he decided that it would be a great idea to stare at Keith's eyes. It was easier to look at them when they weren't looking back at him.

After about a minute or so, Keith's eyes locked with Lance's as he put his arm down from Lance's head. They were staring into eachothers eyes for a solid few seconds. Their faces just a few inches away from eachothers, knees still touching. Lance couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, Keith backed up and looked away, back onto Lance's wound. "It'll probably scar. Luckily it's not bad enough to need stitches or anything, I'll just have to patch it up and change it every few hours to clean it again."

"I can do that myself."

Keith's face sort of dropped when he heard that. "Right, of course. Yeah that's what I meant. You'll have to change it."

Lance didn't say anything, he just looked down at his hands.

"Is your neck alright?"

"Yeah. Just tense."

"That's normal. A head impact like that will cause a sore neck for a few days at least. What about your head? How bad does it hurt?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"Scale of one to ten?"

"Uh, like, a 6 maybe?"

"You don't have to down play it."

Lance sighed. "Alright, like a 12."

"Yeah, thought so. Is your vision okay? In what way does it hurt? Is it sore or is it pounding? Do you feel dizzy at all? Seeing spots or anything?"

Lance was quite taken aback. Why was Keith asking so many questions and how did he know what to do? He was so lost in thought that he didn't answer, he was staring off into space.


"What? Oh, right. Yeah, uh, I don't know."

Keith sighed. He moved back closer to Lance, finishing cleaning his head. He was being really gentle, making sure to stop every so often so Lance could give him a sign if he can carry on.

Their faces were really close again, and Lance couldn't help but be drawn to look at Keith's face. His eyes, how his hair framed it, his tiny scars, his big one. Lance had so many questions, and Keith noticed.

As he finished patching up Lance's head, he looked at Lance. "You want to ask about my scar again, don't you?"

Lance nodded hesitantly.



"You can ask."

"You'll answer?"


"You sure?"

"Ask before I change my mind."

Lance took a deep breath in. "How did you get it?"

"Long or short story?"

"We've got time."

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