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Keith woke up in not so much of a great mood. He stayed up way too late last night thinking of ways to stop thinking about Lance, which clearly didn't work as it just made him think of Lance even more because he was trying so hard not to.

He cursed at himself for his stupid rule to stay sober 24 hours before races. This was nothing a good amount of alcohol couldn't fix, and usually Keith wouldn't think twice about drinking himself to sleep. However, morals are morals and as much as people thought Keith was a shitty person, he wasn't one for breaking promises even if they were to himself.

He got out of bed, got ready and left his apartment. He hated staying in there for too long. Keith preferred to be on the move, to explore and find discover new places. His favourite were the quiet and isolated areas, where he didn't have to think about suddenly being on the run again. No one knew that about him, in fact no one really knew anything about Keith. He wasn't exactly sure if he liked that fact, but it was his life and he had to deal with that. He didn't exactly make it easy for people to get to know him.

Driving around aimlessly in his black Chevrolet Corvette, he once again found himself thinking about Lance. How did this guy manage to overload Keith's brain with just three words? They weren't even a good threat. Keith didn't even know who he was actually thinking about, since no one knows Blue's identity.

After a while, Keith ended up pulling over at Shiro's house. It was his home away from home. Shiro taught Keith all he knows about cars and racing, and he took him under his wing when Keith's dad passed. Keith had always gone to Shiro for help with everything. Even though he wasn't exactly great at expressing his feelings or asking for help, Shiro always knew what to do.

Hesitantly, he walked up to the front door. Keith took a deep breath in before knocking. Keith wasn't sure how Shiro would react to seeing him. He hasn't come round for a visit in ages, and he rarely responded to Shiro's messages. Keith wasn't sure whether he would be greeted with a disappointed expression from his favourite person's face. After a few seconds, that felt like an eternity to Keith, the door swung open to reveal Shiro standing in the door way. A huge smile appeared on Shiro's face when he saw Keith, and Keith couldn't help but smile back in relief.

"Keith! What are you doing here?" Shiro asked while moving to the side to let Keith in.

"I was just, uh, I was just driving past and thought I'd stop by for a bit." There's no way Keith was about to confess to needing advice, and he hopefully wouldn't have to explain himself as to why he hasn't seen Shiro in a while.

"Mhm. I see." Shiro said in the most sarcastic tone he could manage.

Keith gave Shiro a confused look. "What?"

He sighed in response while going to sit down in the living room, signalling for Keith to do the same.

"Why are you really here Keith? Does this have something to do with Blue's tweet by any chance?"

Keith was shocked. How did he guess? Actually, on second thought, Keith wasn't that shocked. This isn't the first time Shiro guessed exactly what was bothering him. "Possibly."

"He's just trying to mess with you. You do know that, right? Blue's nothing to worry about."

"I don't know Shiro. He has been getting better the last few races I've seen of him. I don't know what made him call me out the way he did but I don't think he's playing games. This isn't like him."

"What makes you say this isn't like him?" Shiro has never seen Keith this way. He seemed genuinely worried, almost threatened, by Blue. Keith never acted like this.

"I don't know. We never address eachother directly. He never lets other people's opinions on who's better affect him. We haven't raced eachother in nearly a year."

Shiro thought for a bit before replying. "Maybe he's not as strong as he appears to be. It's possible that other people's opinions have finally gotten to him and he thinks challenging you will put him higher in the ranks again."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

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