twenty seven

518 21 3

Everyone went still. If it wasn't for the sirens, you could probably hear a pin drop. It was like this for about ten seconds before Zarkon shouted through his megaphone. "Everyone bolt!"

The crowds separated, sprinting to their cars. This happened every single year, but never this early. And never with this many people. The crowds were so hard to get through, everyone stumbing and falling over eachother in order to get to their cars as fast as they possibly could.

Keith and Blue were still stood in the centre, looking around in shock. Blue glanced over at Keith, Keith did the same to Blue. They stood looking at eachother for a moment, fear in their faces mirroring eachother.

What were they doing? Standing there just staring at eachother in the middle of a raid? Are they stupid?

Suddenly, a man ran past Keith, almost knocking him over. That broke the eye contact between him and Blue, making Keith run back to his area to get to his car.

Blue couldn't think. Usually when he hears sirens the first thing he does is bolt to his car and speed off as fast as he can. He can't afford to get caught in his mask. His career would be ruined. He would be ruined.

However, this time his mind was blank. Instead of running, he stood. He stood and watched everyone else run. Blue saw Keith run back to his area, he saw his team seperate and focus on getting themselves out, he saw the lights from the sirens getting closer, and yet he couldn't move.

A group of people sprinted past him, making him fall to the ground when one of the people pushed him out the way. This knocked some sense into Blue. He got up, reached into his pocket for his keys and- Wait. Hold on. Where are his keys?

Blue frantically searched around him for his keys, hoping they just fell out somewhere next to him. They were nowhere to be found. There was way too many people running around and screaming, and no time to look for them anywhere else.

Through all the chaos, Blue saw only one way he could get out of this mess. He had to get into someone else car. He'd have to come back for his after everything was over.

Question was, who's car was he meant to get into? Everyone from his team was gone already, the Altea Gang area was the closest to the exit, so they all left first. Normally Blue would be long gone by now too. It was every man for themselves out here.

He didn't know anyone else, and no one else knew him. He searched for any cars stood still that he could get into, but there was none. Every car was either too crowded or already speeding off.

All except one.

Blue desperately begged for there to be another way out of here, but he didn't see any other options. He had to get into that car, or he'd be done for.

He ran towards it, praying that he would make it before it drove off.

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