twenty nine

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Keith knows that Lance is Blue. This is insane. This can't be happening. Why is this happening to Lance right now? You'd probably think Lance would be worried about Keith ratting him out, or that somehow people will now find out who he is, or that his career is probably finished now in both auto and street racing. But no, Lance wasn't thinking about any of that.

What Lance couldn't stop thinking about is what on Earth Keith must be thinking of him right now. I mean, that guy has gone years seeing Blue and racing him and never talking and not knowing who he is, and now in the space of a solid two seconds, Keith found out that Blue is Lance. The guy he spent hours with earlier today.

Keith must think Lance is pathetic, or stupid, or that he'd rather be stuck in a car chase with literally anyone else right now.

Oh, right, the car chase. How did Lance forget he's literally being hunted down by three police cars right now? Shit.

Lance looked over at Keith, who's clearly confused, shocked, scared, and every other negative word you could think of. Lance didn't know what to do. Should he say something? Keith didn't seem like he was in the right state of mind to be driving, which really surprised Lance given the fact Keith can literally drive flawlessly while drunk out of his mind and on countless drugs and he's been chased by police numerous times. So what's throwing him off?

Whatever it was, Lance needed to do something. Or Keith was going to get them caught.

Keith clearly wasnt thinking, so he was just speeding down straight instead of trying to lose the police by taking a bunch of turns. Lance quickly looked around outside to see where they were and quickly plan an escape route.

"Do you know the way to Allura's house from here?" Lance asked quickly, yet oddly calmly in hope that it would calm Keith down.

Keith turned to glance at Lance and then looked back at the road, paying a bit more attention to his surroundings to see whether he did know the way. "Yeah."

"Head for her house." Lance replied. "But at the last turn, instead of going right, go left."

Keith didnt reply, instead he just hit the gas pedal harder. The way to Alluras house had quite a few turns, and thankfulky Keith was an absolute expert at turning flawlessly even at a very high speed. This got them a far enough distance away from the Police that they could relax a bit more.

They finally got to the last turn, Keith making sure to turn left instead of right like Lance told him to.

"Now take a right and then hit the gas as hard as you can."

Keith did as he was told, and finally caught onto where Lance was taking them. There was a forest right on the edge of the city where a bunch of drug dealers went to deal. The forest is dense, but there is one particular spot where the trees separate just enough for a car to get in and not be noticed unless someone was really looking, which Lance knew the police wouldn't be because they didnt know about this place.

Lance realised that Keith caught on, so he let him do his thing. They finally lost the cars tailing them and Keith swerved into the forest, turning off the engine. Keith and Lance both slid down their seats far enough that they could just about see if cars were passing in front of them. They were dead silent, waiting for the police to drive past them.

After what felt like absolute ages, which really was about fifteen seconds, the three police cars dashed past the forest, completely missing Keith's car and continuing down the road. When the boys couldnt hear the sirens anymore, they knew they were safe.

Keith sat up first, not saying a word and making sure not to look over at Lance. He had his eyes fixed onto the threes in front of them.

Lance sat up after a few seconds, sighed, and quickly got out of Keith's car. He got out of that car so quickly that his head started spinning, making him fall to the ground as he slammed the door shut behind him. This made Keith jump out of the car too.

"Shit! Are you okay?" Keith half shouted as he ran round the front of his car to see Lance trying to get up.

"Im fine." Lance snapped back. His head was still spinning and his vision became blurry again. His whole body ached. The adrenaline of getting chased stopped the pain for a bit, but now that it was over, the pain was starting to get unbearable.

"Here, let me help you." Keith said while putting his arm out to help Lance up.

Lance smacked it away. "Im fine." He repeated.

"No you're not Lance!" Shouted Keith, which startled both him and Lance. Keith wasn't used to saying his name, especially while in Blue's race suit, and Lance feared every day that the time would come where someome called him by his name when they weren't meant to know.

Lance didnt say anything. He just slowly stood up, wincing in pain and putting one arm on the top of Keith's car to keep himself balanced while putting the other on his head.

"You need to go to a hospital."

"Are you fucking insane? A hospital? While I'm in Blue's suit? Funny fucking joke Keith."

"You've got a fucking concussion and you're still bleeding. Are you telling me you'd rather die?"

"Yes that's exactly what I'm fucking saying. Take me back to the event. I need to get my car."

"And what are you planning on doing when you get to your car?"

"Go home. What else am I meant to do?"

"You're going to drive?"


"With a fucking concussion while you're bleeding out?"


"Not a chance."

"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm the one who just saved your ass."

"You? Saved me? By doing what exactly? Giving me a fucking concussion? No. I'm the one who told you where to go when you were practically handing us over to the police."

"You're the one who got into my car."

"I lost my keys. I had no other option. Besides you would have gotten caught if it wasn't for me, you were basically sat there paralysed."

"No I wasn't."

"I thought you were this great racer who doesn't get scared of anything. You fucking led the biggest drug operation known to man and running from the police might as well be your fucking hobby. If I had known you were suddenly going to freak out I would've have bothered."

"Well absolutely none of this would have fucking happened if you didn't post that god damn tweet Lance!" Keith yelled. Like, proper yelled. He was mad. Really mad.

Lance didn't know what to say to that now. Keith was right. None of this would have happened if he pulled himself together and not posted that tweet. But he couldn't help it. He had to put the attention back onto himself. And now his life is ruined and Keith hates him even more than he ever did before.

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