forty four

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"Yes. Brownies. The best thing to ever be created, and it just so happens you have all the ingredients. Do you make them often?"

"I've never made brownies."

Lance's jaw dropped. "What? Why? How?"

"I can cook, sure. But baking? Not my thing."

"But baking is so fun."

"Well after we eat, why don't you show me?"

The smile on Lance's face grew, unable to contain his excitement. "Gladly."

Once they finished cooking, they sat down at the table and started eating, Lance basically stuffing his face since he couldn't wait to bake with Keith. Picking up on how excited Lance was, Keith made sure to quicken his pace too. Seeing Lance so excited made him happy for some reason.

When they finished eating, Keith cleared the table and Lace took out all the ingredients for the brownies, setting them out in order and making sure he didn't miss anything.

"What do you want me to do?" Keith asked.

"Cut up the chocolate and melt it over the stove."

"Why not the microwave?"

"Oh Keith, you have so much to learn." Lance sighed in disappointment. "It burns quicker in the microwave, and it just doesn't taste near as good."

"How does- you know what, I won't question it."

"Correct response. Just melt it."

Keith did as told and Lance weighed out some butter, cutting it into small cubes and gradually adding it into the chocolate as it melted. He left Keith to take it off the heat and keep an eye on it, as he started mixing up all the dry ingredients.

"Right, now bring the bowl over here." Lance ordered.

Keith obeyed, bringing the bowl over and setting it to the side.

"Get a spatula or big wooden spoon and you can fold everything after I've poured it in."

"On it." Keith assured as he went to search for a spoon.

When he came back, Lance moved over swiftly to let Keith combine the wet and dry ingredients.

"I just mix them?"

"No, like I said, you fold them."

Giving Lance a puzzled look, he put his hand on his hip. "I thought that just meant mixing?"

Lance laughed. "No, they're completely different. Mixing doesn't allow as much air in, whereas folding makes them fluffier."

"Fluffy brownies? What does that even mean?"

"Oh Keith, you're actually adorable." He said giggling, shaking his head slowly. "Let's just see what you think folding is."

Keith stared at the bowl for a hot second, not a clue in the world about what he's meant to do. After questioning his life decisions and trying to picture what 'folding fluffy brownies' meant, he started mixing. As in, just swirling the spoon around aimlessly.

Abruptly, Lance grabbed Keith's hand, causing Keith's heart rate to rapidly increase. Lance took a step around Keith, positioning himself behind him, just a mere inch or so away. His other arm wrapped past Keith's torso, leaning it against the counter.

"Let me show you." He said softly, his cold breath brushing against Keith's neck sending a shiver down his spine.

Sucking in his breath, Keith couldn't control his heart rate. It was staggering out of control. Now Keith felt like he was going to pass out. Being so close to Lance, well they were practically pressed against eachother. Keith tried to shuffle forward, but Lance just got closer. He was doing this on purpose. He had to be, right? But why? It's not like Lance likes- Hold on a minute. He can't, right? There's no way. This is just Lance being Lance, and Keith is over thinking it. Definitely.

Slowly moving his arm, still holding Keith's, Lance started to fold the brownie batter as Keith held the spoon tightly.

"See, this is how you do it. It's not that hard." Lance spoke, calmly and innocently, as if Keith's back wasn't pressed right into him and Lance's face wasn't practically buried into Keith's neck.

Keith couldn't reply.

"Are you breathing?" Asked Lance, not stepping away.

Keith took in a shallow, dry breath. "Yeah." He stammered out.

Giggling, Lance finally moved away from Keith, watching him very noticeably relax and start breathing normally again as he continued to fold the mixture just as Lance showed him.

"You're so gay Keith oh my god." Lance snickered as he crossed his arms, leaning against the fridge.

Eyes widening, Keith shot Lance a look. "Excuse me?"

"Mhm. You know it's true."

"What are you suggesting exactly?"

"What do you think I'm suggesting?"

Keith raised an eyebrow. "A lot of things."

"If the shoe fits." Lance said, smirking as he shrugged.

Rolling his eyes, Keith went back to the brownie batter. What was Lance suggesting? That Keith's gay for him? No, can't be. He isn't. Well, he's gay, yeah, but not for Lance. Never ever. Right?

When Keith assumed he had done enough folding, he quickly tilted the bowl to show Lance, who was standing on the other side of the kitchen, waiting for a nod of approval. Lance gave him just that, walking over towards him.

"You did a good job." Lance said, smiling. "For your first time."

Keith smiled back as he passed a baking tin over to Lance who quickly lined it with baking paper before pouring in the batter. He had such a smile on his face, and Keith just couldn't help but stare and smile back. Keith had never been through this many emotions in just 48 hours, but here he was standing in his kitchen as a tall, handsome, Cuban boy made brownies in it as Keith stared back in complete adoration.

Woah- adoration is too strong a word. More like, uh, well maybe adoration was the right word. In a platonic way. Obviously.

Anyway, Keith showed Lance how to turn on the oven and Lance made sure to position the brownies directly in the middle as he explained to Keith the importance behind having them in the centre.

"Don't you need a timer or something to know when they're ready?"


"Why not? Won't they burn? Or be under baked?"


Keith's eyebrow raised.

"I just know when they're done."

"But how? You got magic brownie making powers or something?" Keith laughed.

"Something like that." He winked back.

Keith sighed. "What are we doing while we wait?"

Getting up from watching the brownies behind the oven door, Lance looked up at Keith. "Well, we have to clean up now."

"But that's boring. Can't we do that later?"

"Cleaning? Boring? Not when you're with Lance Mcclain."

"You did not just refer to yourself in third person." Keith laughed, shaking his head.

"I did indeed. And I meant what I said, I make cleaning fun."

"How exactly?"

"Nothing some good old music can't fix."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes."

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