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After what felt like ages, Lance was finally ready to go meet with Allura. They were going out for breakfast and to talk over Lance's strategy for the event later that night.

He rushed down into his garage and got into one of his three cars, his white porsche taycan. It was Allura's favourite car that he owned, so he always made sure to pick her up in that one. Plus, ladies went crazy when they saw any kind of sports car.


Hey! Are you on your
way over yet?

Yup, you can start
heading down now.
I'll be over in about
two minutes.

See you then!


Lance pulled over outside Allura's house and quickly got out the car to greet her. "You look beautiful, as usual." He said while giving her a hug.

"Oh stop it you. You don't look too bad yourself." She replied.

They walked up to Lance's car and he made sure to open the door for her. No matter where he was, he would always treat every woman with respect and act like a proper gentleman, so he got into the habit of opening doors for Allura too, and of course she didn't mind.

After a few minutes of casual small talk between them, Allura turned to Lance and asked, "I didn't want to ask over the phone so I thought I'd wait until now, so what's up with you and calling out Keith last night? That was a bold move. Didn't think you had it in you to be honest."

Lance's face went blank as he looked over to her before putting his eyes back on the road. He didn't reply, just thought for a bit.

"Earth to Lance?"

"I don't know. Just had enough of our stupid rivalry. Figured it's about time we settle it by seeing who's actually the better racer. That's all." Lance replied in a monotone voice.

"Hmmm, right. Definitely doesn't have anything to do with the thousands of tweets about him apparently being better than you?"

"You saw those?" Lance's face suddenly dropped.

"Yeah. I saw them. Don't listen to them. Obviously you're the better racer, you know that just as much as I do." Allura tried to reassure him. She did genuinely believe he was better, but she also knew Lance took these things very seriously and when his confidence dropped, it would take a lot to bring it back up.

Again, Lance didn't reply. He kept his eyes dead on the road and just sat in silence, thinking.

"Lance?" Allura tried.

He didn't answer. Allura could see he was getting upset. He hated when people put him second. He would honestly rather not be chosen at all than be in second place. At least if he wasn't considered at all for the title of best racer, he could try to come to terms with it and see that he has a lot to improve, but the fact he was second? His best wasn't actually the best? He was just barely enough? And the fact he was second to Keith of all people? Ridiculous.

Allura stopped trying. There was no point. If there was anything Lance was better at than racing, it would be holding grudges. And this one definitely wouldn't be easy to get him out of. So she let him have it. She hoped that once they sat down and had some food and started talking over his plan for the event, he might snap out of it and go back to his usual smiley self.

After a few minutes of silence, they finally arrived. Lance dashed out of the car and went to open Alluras door for her. She thanked him and they went inside the cafe. Allura got them a table and sat down while Lance went up to get their usual orders. A pumpkin spiced latte, an iced frappe and two plates of french toast.

"You're strange for getting a cold drink in the middle of October you know." Said Allura when Lance sat down with their order.

"I'm just not a trend follower. I don't know how you can drink that." Lance said while eyeing her drink.

"Excuse me, but I'll have you know that this is actually the best drink in the world. And you can't not be a trend follower. You're literally a part time model, it's basically your job to follow trends."

"I'll never stoop as low as getting anything pumpkin flavoured though." He replied while rolling his eyes.

They both laughed. Allura could tell he just needed something to take his mind off those stupid comments. And apparently getting to make fun of her drink did the trick. "You feeling better then?"

Lance's face turned a little more serious. "I guess."

"Sorry Lance, I didn't mean to bring the mood down again. I just hate seeing you that way."

"I know, sorry Princess." Lance tried for a smile. Allura used to like acting as if she was a Princess when they were younger, and Lance always teased her for it. The nickname stuck and he always called her it to try lift the mood.

It clearly worked, Allura gave him a warm smile before changing topic swiftly. The two started discussing Lance's plan of action for tonight, and Lance finally felt in his element.

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