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Finishing up with their breakfast, Allura gave Lance the final run down of his plan for tonight and made sure to tell him how much this race would mean for his career. Most people who two-time with street racing and auto racing keep both lives seperate completely, but Lance took things too personally and to heart to do that. Allura knew that if he lost against Keith, or if people deemed Keith as the best racer, Lance wouldn't let himself live it down. It wouldn't just affect his street racing hobby, but it would also make himself doubt how good his auto racing is. If he couldn't beat Keith in an unserious race, how was he meant to win against the best strategic and professional racers in the whole world?

Lance was stressed again.  like, really stressed. He almost forgot to pay for their food and he didn't hold the door open for Allura as they walked out. He apologised numerous times to Allura for that. Obviously she didn't mind, she was capable of holding the door open for herself, but she knew it was a big deal to Lance. Especially right now when he's got so much on his mind.

Allura had to find another way to calm this boy down. He was not in any state to show himself to the Altea Street Racing Team. They would definitely not let him hit the road, it might make them look bad.

Typically, the events have three parts to them. First, the simple team gathering. This is where all the different teams reunite and get to just hang for a bit and talk strategy. It also allows them to see who's actually present in both their own team and the opposing ones. Since this type of racing is illegal, it's hard for everyone to find out prior to the event who's actually showing up. You never know if one of your team mates might have been caught by the police.

Second, the tricks. This is where all the racers get to show off their cars and any skills they might want to show to intimidate the other teams. It also gets everyone excited for the next part as this is where the betting takes place. Everyone  chooses a team they think will win the most points, and everyone chooses the racer they think will score the most points for their team. Almost always without fail, Lance and Keith are the two most voted racers. This is where majority of their rivalry comes from. Lance loves showing off, so naturally this was his favourite phase. However, unlike most racers who seemed to have a new car each time, Lance was loyal to his. Every time he showed up it was in the same blue ferrari roma. It may not be the most amazing car, and a lot of people definitely had better and newer cars, but it won him first place more than anyone else ever has. So he stayed loyal to it. That car was his good luck charm.

Third, the races. This was the whole point in the events. Every year, hundreds of people gather from around the country to watch these skilled racers. The adrenaline people get from taking part in illegal activities is undescribable. The thrill that takes over everyone's bodies as they bet and cheer on their favourite criminals. The rush people get when police sirens are heard and everything erupts into chaos in the blink of an eye. It's just purely amazing. Millions of people watch the live streams from all around the world, and even they bet money on who's going to win. It's just truly incredible how something so dangerous and stupid brings so many people together for one hell of a night full of screaming, laughing, cheering and sometimes even fighting.

Also, another aspect of street racing that makes it so much more illegal is the amount of drugs sold and taken during these events. Hundreds of drug gangs in one place? Not exactly a good idea. You would think the police would be better at their job and know how to control this issue, but they don't. The Voltron Street Racing Event has taken place every year for over Twenty years, the police have raided it almost every time, yet they've never managed to catch anyone.

Lance though it was quite funny actually. The fact that he had gotten away with two timing for so long was something not many people could do, yet he pulled it off perfectly. It definitely helped he wasn't the only one who used a pseudonym and mask during the street races because they had an actual professional career. Lance never really thought about what would happen if he got busted, he was too cocky for that. Or maybe he actually just didn't know what he would do with himself anymore.

Lance wished Allura could go to the event with him, but it was too risky for the both of them. He did have friends in the Altea Street Racing Team, but they weren't his true, real friends. They didn't even know who he actually was. And they never spoke outside of the events. Most teams were like that actually, they were all the best of friends until they had to part ways after it was over, and then they wouldn't see eachother for another year. Yet somehow, everyone always hit it off as if they saw eachother yesterday. Lance liked that, it was nice to have friends who were into the same hobby as him. But it sucked that his actual best friends, Pidge and Hunk, didn't support street racing. They were very strictly focused on mechanics and strategy planning for Lance's auto racing team.

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