forty seven

522 26 33

Change? Is she serious? As if he hasn't tried. As if it's that easy. Does she seriously think Keith wants to be like this? That he wakes up ever morning and willingly decided to have no one except drugs and alcohol?

Of course fucking not.

Well, technically it is partially Keith's fault he has no one. He pushes people away and doesn't try to have relationships with anyone anymore, but it's only because no one has ever been willing to give him a chance.

Except Lance. Lance has been willing. And what did Keith do? Screw it all up. Fuck.

Allura's right, Keith needs to change. But how? How does someone change enough to he worthy of being with someone like him? Not only that, but he also needs to change quickly, or he'll lose Lance for good. If he hasn't already.

At least Lance was safe. That was Keith's main worry after he couldn't find him when he stormed out.

Now, Keith just needed a plan. Before he could even think about how to get Lance back, he needed to pull himself together. Quickly running to grab some paper and a pen, Keith sat himself down at the kitchen table and took the pen in his hand. He was going to take this seriously.

Titling the paper "plan Lance", Keith started thinking about what he needed to change about himself. Firstly, he needed to stop using drugs and alcohol. For a reason that Keith didn't know, substanced clearly triggered Lance, and Keith wanted Lance to be able to feel safe. Or, as safe as it can get being with a criminal. So no substances.

Shit. This was already hard and Keith was only one step in. How do you stop using something you've used every day of your life to just simply get by without losing your mind?

Before Keith spiralled any further, he realised that he had actually been sober for the last few days. Majority of that reason was because of the 24 hour substance ban he gave himself during races, but he also stopped himself even after the race because Lance was with him. If it wasn't for Lance, Keith would definitely be drunk out of his mind by now.

Spending the day with Lance made Keith so happy that he didn't even think about drinking or using anything. Sure, he did the night before after Lance bombarded him with questions, but he stopped himself because Lance was hurt. And after they had made up during the day, the thought never crossed his mind again. Maybe this wasn't going to be so hard after all.

What's next? Too many things. But Keith was already too overwhelmed. It was late, he was tired, and he needed sleep. As he got up, he decided that the best thing to do would be to give Lance some space, maybe for a few days, just so that they could both cool off and so Keith could figure out a proper plan for how to apologise and show Lance he does want to be with him.

Walking towards his bedroom, he remembered the fact that he wasn't the one who slept in it last night. Lance was. And this is also where Lance made Keith model for him, and where Keith really fell in lo- where Keith really started liking Lance.

He can't sleep here.

Deciding on sleeping in the living room, Keith crashed on the couch. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about every mistake in life that lead him to this moment. But as he cursed at himself for being a total screw up, he paused for a moment and realised that maybe if he hadn't messed up so much in life, the universe wouldn't have brought him to Lance. Maybe it's just a sign that this is where he needs to finally start getting better. For Lance.

In the morning, he woke up and immediately went to get ready for the day. If he was going to make a plan, he had to think first. And the best way he knows how to clear his head is to go on a drive and see where he ends up.

Getting into his car, he put on his playlist and turned the volume up so loud that he could barely hear himself think. Perfect. Speeding down the street, he kept his eyes glued to the road and let his mind focus on nothing but the lyrics to his favourite songs. But something was wrong. He was still thinking about Lance.

This day was off to a great start.

Meanwhile, Allura had taken Lance out for breakfast to help him feel better. After he woke up, he got himself ready and met Allura downstairs. She had already been waiting for him for a while, and the second he got downstairs she basically rushed him out the door and said they're going out to eat.

Was Lance in the mood? No. But was he absolutely terrified of telling Allura? You bet. When that woman was on a mission there was no stopping her. So Lance let her do her thing as he pretended like he wasn't still on the verge of breaking down over last nights rejection.

The only thing Lance wouldn't let her do is drive. Even if it was her car they were going in, he still made sure to hold open the door for her and be the one driving. A concussion isn't an excuse to stop being a gentleman.

They drove to their favourite cafe, and this time Allura went up to get their orders. A plate of cinnamon french toast and an iced caramel frappe for Lance and a plate of strawberry pancakes and a cappuccino for herself. After she ordered, she went to sit back down with Lance, who was staring off into space.

"It wasn't your fault you know."

Lance snapped out of it, and quickly looked at Allura. How did she know what he was just thinking about?

"You need to let it go. You made your move, now let him do his."

"He already did. By rejecting me."

"Did the words 'I am rejecting you' ever leave his mouth?"

"They didn't need to."

"Lance, think about this rationally. Keith is, well, what some would call a rather troubled individual."

Lance raised an eyebrow.

"What I mean is, he's not like most people. You know that. Maybe he just needs time to process. You guys spent like what? Two days together? Maybe it was just a bit fast for him."

"He seemed perfectly fine when he was kissing me."

Allura sighed. "I know, but I bet he'll change his mind in a few days."

"I don't know if I can wait a few days. Besides, is it even worth it?"

"Why wouldn't it be? If you really like him, a few days shouldn't change it."

"What if he was right though? What if we would just make eachother miserable? What if we just won't work?"

"You could always stay friends."

"Friends? With Keith? Are you insane?" 

"So you couldn't be his friend but you want to be his boyfriend? I think you're the insane one."

Lance laughed. "Yeah, okay, that does sound insane."

The rest of the morning they spent talking about random things, trying to lift the mood and get Lance's mind off of everything.

And what was Keith doing? Still driving. Now with his music even louder, but the thought of Lance still lingering.

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