thirty two

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Keith was silent for a moment, taking a few deep breaths in. He could feel Lance's eyes watching him closely, their faces still just a few inches apart. He was debating whether or not to tell Lance the truth and the whole story, or whether he should lie and spare him the details. He's never told anyone this story. Not Romelle, not Shiro, no one.

"I-" Keith started, looking up at Lance's eyes. They looked desperate, but also so kind and genuine. Lance looked interested and curious, but not in a way that most people are about Keith. It was a way that made Keith feel special. But that's exactly why he couldn't tell him. "I need a drink."

Keith quickly got up, and Lance was startled. His eyes widened as he heard Keith's words. "What?"

"I need a drink. You want one? I'll get you one." He said as he was walking towards the door.

"No no. Keith what the fuck? Lance said while trying to stand up, but failing miserably as his vision became blurry and knees got weak, making him fall back onto the bed.

"Actually you probably shouldn't be drinking. You should get some rest."

Lance was annoyed, and quite frankly very upset. He thought they were getting somewhere. He thought there's a chance they could get through the night by becoming friends and getting to know eachother. He thought Keith was going to open up to him. Guess he thought wrong. Stupid Lance. Clearly the concussion was getting to him.

He tried to stand up again, putting all his remaining energy into it. "What happened to answering me? You said you would. I thought we were getting somewhere."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You-" Lance was getting real dizzy now. Standing wasn't giving him the confidence he thought it would. "You dont-" He tried to walk closer to Keith, his legs shaking.

"Lance? Are you okay?" Keith dropped the act, now growing worried.

"I just-" Lance was still stuttering over his words. "I thought-" His eyes rolled back, and his legs gave in.

"Lance!" Keith yelled, catching him before he fell to the floor. Lance was unresponsive.

"Shit. Not again." He didn't know what to do. Lance was pressed up against his chest and Keith just stood there panicking.

He had to get Lance to lay down on the bed, but Keith didn't know how to get him there. Dragging him to the bed felt, well, not right.

Fuck it. He picked Lance up, bridal style, and put him down gently on the bed without removing his arms from underneath him. He could see Lance's breathing was normal, so he must have just passed out again. Keith stared at Lance's chest, watching it rise and fall slowly with every breath.

A wave of guilt rushed over him as he realised all of this was his fault. Lance passed out because he was getting worked up over Keith lying to him. And not only that, but Lance wouldn't even be hurt in the first place if he got them out of the event safer and quicker.

This is why Keith pushes people away. This is exactly why he prefers to be alone. If he doesn't get close to people, he can't hurt them. But him and Lance weren't even close. Maybe it's best if Keith just doesn't show his face anywhere anymore. Maybe it would be better for everyone if he just disappeared entirely. Keith was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Lance wake up.

"Keith?" Lance whispered, making Keith jolt up and take his arms from under Lance.

"Fuck you! You scared me!" Keith shouted back, but Lance could tell it wasn't out of anger. It was genuine worry.

"Maybe it's best I go home."

"What? No. It's best if you stay."

Lance gave him a confused look.

"I- I just mean it's best if you just rest now. Getting you home might take more energy out of you."

"It's fine, Allura can get me." He paused. "Oh shit. Allura. She must be worried sick!" Lance half shouted, attempting to sit up.

Keith quickly stopped him by putting his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Don't get up. You passed out from doing that. I'll call her."

"You will?" Lance looked into Keith's eyes.

"Yeah. I will."


"You can sleep here. I'll take the couch."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. You can't exactly move anyway."

Lance nodded, still looking into Keith's eyes. Keith stared back and the two were in silence for a few seconds before Keith snapped out of it.

"Right, I'll uh, leave you to sleep now. I'll go call everyone and let them know we're fine."


Keith turned around towards the door, making his way out of the room. Just before he closed it, he heared Lance call out. "Hey Keith?"


"Thank you." Lance tried for a smile.

"For what?"


Keith didn't know what to say. He just stared at Lance blankly, an empty feeling in his stomach. He still felt guilty. There was nothing to thank him for. Why was Lance thanking him? He couldn't find the words to say anything back, so he just shut the door slowly.

As he walked into the living room, he checked his phone, another 10 calls from Shiro and 14 from Romelle lighting up his phone. But he couldn't answer them. He had to call Allura first. He told Lance he would, so its the least he could do.

He searched his contacts and called Allura. Almost immediately, she answered.

"Keith? Are you okay? What the fuck happened at the event? Do you know if anyone got caught? Is everyone safe? You don't happen to know if Blue made it out, do you?" She quickly said, clearly trying to hold back tears, voice trembling.

"Lance is fine."

"Oh good, I was starting to think- wait. What? Did you say Lance? I'm pretty sure you got some names mixed up there because Lance wasn't at the event."

"Allura, I know. It's okay. I won't tell anyone."

"I really don't know what you're talking about. Do you know if Blue made it out?"

"Allura. Lance is with me. I know he's Blue. It's okay."



"You're going to have to explain this to me because I have just spent the last fucking hour crying and calling every police station in the fucking country asking if they caught anyone from the event. If you're playing with me right now you best believe I'm going to murder you."

"He lost his keys. I was one of the last cars out so he ended up getting into mine. His mask came off when he was unconscious and we ended up getting chased by some police but we lost them. I took him back to my place. He's asleep right now in my room."

"Did you say while he was unconscious? What?"

"Oh, uh, yeah so I might have caused him to get a slight concussion. He passed out a few times."

"What the actual fuck? Is he okay? I'm coming to get him. What's your address?"

"No!" Keith shouted. "I mean, you don't have to. He's fine, I patched him up and he's asleep right now. It's probably best to just let him rest. I can drive him back tomorrow myself."

"He let you patch him up?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Damn. It's worse than I thought."


"Oh, no, nothing. Don't worry about it. Thank you for taking care of him. And thank you for calling me. Could you tell him to call me tomorrow when he wakes up?"


"Thank you Keith."

"No problem."

Allura hung up.

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