thirty three

546 24 13

Keith couldn't decide whether he should call Shiro or Romelle next. Shiro was at the event, so maybe he should check whether he's okay first. But then Romelle was watching the event, and knowing her she's probably just as worried as Allura was.

Keith didn't have to think much longer as his phone started ringing again. It was Shiro. Keith waited a few seconds, took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Fucking finally! Keith I swear to god when I see you you're dead! What's the point in having a phone if you're not going to use it!"

"Nice to talk to you too."

"Are you okay? What happened? Why weren't you picking up?"

"Did you make it out okay?"

"Yes I was one of the first people out. I drove straight home and wasn't followed. But you? What the fuck happened to you?"

"I got held up." Keith didn't know what to say. He can't tell him Lance got into his car, no one is meant to know Lance is Blue.

"You- Keith I swear to fuck."

"Shiro, its fine. I'm okay, you don't need to worry anymore. I just got held up. But I'm back home now. Can we call it a day?"

"Okay Keith. As long as you're safe."

"I am."

"You should call Romelle."

"Did she call you?"

"Mhm. She's worried."

"I'll call her now."

"Okay. Oh and Keith? You should probably stay home for the next 24 hours at least."


"I heared they pulled CCTV footage and are looking for cars that were at the event. There'll be police around the whole city tomorrow. You shouldn't risk it."

"Shit." But he was meant to get Lance home. What was he meant to do now.

"Go call Romelle. I'll talk to you later. Bye Keith."

Keith hung up and immediately called Romelle, who answered within seconds.

"I'm so sorry Romelle."

"Keith! Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm okay. I made it back home. I'm sorry for not calling, I got held up."

"Held up? What is that meant to mean?"

"I can't exactly tell you. It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that I'm okay. I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

"Keith what the fuck? You go MIA for hours and then just say you'll call me tomorrow?"

"Please trust me Romelle. You know if I could I would tell you."

Romelle sighed. "Okay. I trust you. I'm glad you're safe."

"Thank you. Goodnight Romelle."

"Goodnight Keith."

Keith lay down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. All he could think about was the way Lance looked at him. Not just this evening after the event, but earlier in the day too. Keith caught Lance staring at him multiple times, and every time it was different to the way anyone else ever looked at him.

People usually stare in an uncomfortable, judgemental way. Whereas Lance looked at Keith with curiosity and kindness, even when they were arguing or it was awkward. The look in his eyes never changed. Why?

Ugh. Too much time without alcohol. Keith needed a fucking drink. Stat. He got up and walked towards his alcohol cabinet, taking out a bottle of whiskey and vodka. He set them down on the small table in front of the couch and went to the kitchen to take a chilled glass out of his freezer. God, he could not wait to drink his problems away.

As he walked back to the couch and sat down, placing the glass down on the table, he popped open the bottle of whiskey. He poured it slowly into his glass and just as he was about to drink, his mind went back to Lance.

What is Keith doing right now? Drinking? While Lance is asleep in his room? Probably still drifting in and out of consciousness? No. He can't. Keith put down the glass and cursed some more at himself for being so stupid. How could he even think about drinking right now? He needs to stay sober in case anything happens to Lance tomorrow.

Oh shit. Shiro warned him about the police tomorrow. They're going to be following everyone around on the street even if they weren't at the event. He can't risk letting Lance leave, even if Allura comes to pick him up.

He had to let Allura know not to come get Lance.

Hey, Shiro warned me that
they'll be sending out a
load of cops on patrol
tomorrow because of the

Shit, really?

Yeah. Lance should probably
stay here until everything
dies down.

You're cool with that?


Hm, okay :)

What's with the face?

Nothing.. Can you still
get him to call me when
he wakes up?




Keith was exhausted at this point, it was just about midnight. Today was way too fucking much for him. He lay down on the couch again, staring at the ceiling for a while before drifting off to sleep.

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