thirty seven

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Finishing up with his pancakes, which were actually really good, Lance went to push his now dry bangs out of his face, carelessly forgetting that he didn't put on the bandage on his forehead. He once again picked off some dried blood, causing the wound to open again. At this rate, his head is never going to heal.

He quickly cleaned up after himself and dashed to the bedroom door where the first aid kit is. Assuming Keith was either already dressed or was still in the bathroom, Lance confidently swung open the door, only to find Keith in just a towel round his waist. His long, dark hair was dripping wet, sticking to the pale skin on his face and neck. The towel hung very low on his waist, exposing his v-line and faint yet still absolutely perfectly defined abs. Lance was seeing way too much skin. Way, way too much.

"Shit! Sorry! Fuck!" Lance shouted, completely frozen as he stood just staring at Keith.

"Shit no sorry my bad Lance." Keith said as he started to back out of the bedroom into the bathroom before pausing to look at Lance's head. "Wait are you bleeding again?"

Lance finally stopped staring at Keith and quickly span round to leave the bedroom. "No, well, yes. But it's fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to walk in on you." He said from behind the door.

"It's alright Lance, it's not like I'm naked." In Lance's mind, he might as fucking well have been.

"Right, yeah, sorry. I'll still wait though."

"Lance it's fine just grab it."

"Honestly I can wait." Why did Keith keep saying Lance's name and why did Lance not want him to stop.

Keith sighed, grabbed the first aid kit and opened the bedroom door to pass it to Lance. "Here."

Lance wasn't expecting half naked Keith to appear from out the door again. He stood, honestly kind of blushing, staring at Keith's exposed stomach as he took the kit and frantically walked back to the kitchen.

Keith went back to getting dressed, thinking about what on Earth just happened. Did he see that right? Was Lance blushing? No, it couldn't have been. Maybe he was just hot. Hot as in temperature wise- wait why is Keith explaining what type of hot he means? What else would he have meant? Definitely not that Lance was hot looks wise. Not that he wasn't- No. Nope. Stop it Keith.

Oh boy. Lance was definitely blushing. Or it was just extremely hot in here and his face was just getting warm. Yeah, definitely that. (Even though its basically impossible for Keith's apartment to get warm since its half empty, plus it's the middle of October.)

Lance needed to sit down. He grabbed a seat at the kitchen table again and popped open the first aid kit, not thinking about what he was grabbing from it at all with Keith's half naked body still on his mind. Lance basically took out everything from the kit and laid it out on the table, staring blankly at what he just did. He was literally just meant to take out some wipes. What was he thinking? Oh right, he isn't thinking. Except about Keith's abs.

Fuck, Lance, get it together.

"Are you done with the kit?" Keith suddenly said, appearing in the kitchen. Lance was scared to look. Obviously Keith was dressed by now, but Lance couldn't look at him after very visibly blushing at him just a few minutes ago. "Oh, you took everything out?" Keith questioned.

"Uh, I got lost in thought."

"Oh yeah?" Fucking shit what was Keith doing? Flirting? After letting Lance see him with just a towel on? What is happening and why is no one pressing pause.

Lance didn't reply, not could he even attempt to. He was meant to be the flirty one, not the one people flirt with. Why was he so stumped on what to say? Must be the concussion. Only logical explanation.

Keith pulled up a chair opposite Lance, basically forcing Lance to look at Keith now. He was wearing black jeans and for some reason, a white shirt. That was sticking to his stomach. Still slightly showing off his abs. Was he doing this on purpose?

"May I?" Keith asked Lance as he took what he needed from the table and pointed at Lance's forehead.

"Uh, yeah." Was all he managed to mutter out.

Keith began cleaning the area around the wound slowly, making sure not to hurt Lance.

"Thank you." Lance was looking down at his hands, playing with his fingers to keep him distracted as to not look at Keith.

"What for?"

"Everything. I guess. The clothes, the pancakes, doing this."

Keith didn't reply. Now he was stumped. Why was Lance thanking him for stuff again?

As Keith finished putting the bandage on Lance's head, he stood up and started packing away the first aid kit. Lance felt slightly more relaxed now that Keith's face wasn't a total of three inches away from his.

"You're not being emo today?" He suddenly blurted out.

"I guess not."

"Shame." Lance whispered.

Keith quickly looked at Lance, not sure if he heard that right. "Say that again?"

"Hm?" Lance looked up at him, playing dumb. He got a sudden bost of confidence. If Keith wanted to flirt with Lance, he was going to bounce right back at it. Can't let an emo out flirt him after all.

"What did you just say?"


"No no don't you play stupid with me." Keith said as he put the kit away into a cupboard in the kitchen, turning around to face Lance.

"Are you calling me stupid? That's quite rude. Need I remind you I literally lost brain cells because of you letting me smack my head off your window?" Lance crossed his arms dramatically and shook his head.

Keith rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter. "Hard to lose something you don't have in the first place." He muttered, but in a very obvious way to make sure Lance could definitely hear him.

"Oh no you did not!" Lance said, gasping dramatically as he stood up, taking a step towards Keith.

"I'm afraid I did. But I could take it back if you repeat what you said a minute ago." Keith smirked.

Lance took another few steps towards Keith, getting very close to him. He slightly towered over Keith since he was leaning against the counter, which Lance took to his advantage as he put both arms on the counter too, with Keith in between them. He stared down into Keith's eyes and you might as well have been able to see sparks from the tension. "I said it's a shame. I quite liked you in black."

They stayed staring at eachother for another few seconds before Lance took his arms away, backing away from Keith and turning to the cupboards. "Where do you keep your cups?" He asked as if nothing happened.

Keith was stunned. Whatever the fuck just happened cannot happen again. It made Keith feel something he should not have felt. Especially not towards Lance.

"Hello? I'm thirsty." Lance said innocently, looking at Keith.

"What? Oh- right. Here." Keith said, snapping out of it and taking a glass out of the cupboard for Lance.

"Thanks." Replied Lance, giving Keith another innocent smile.

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