thirty four

566 25 38

Lance woke up in no less pain than last night, but he felt better nonetheless. He felt stronger and his vision wasn't going blurry anymore, so in his books a win was a win. Until his memories suddenly came flushing in, hitting him like a truck.

He sat up slowly, giving himself a minute to adjust. If he learnt anything from last night, it's to slow down and think before doing.

After a minute or so, he stood up and made his way to the on suite bathroom in Keith's room. He turned on the cold water from the tap and let his hands run under it, occasionally splashing his face. It stung like shit, the water soaking through his bloody bandage covering his wound.

Lance hesitantly looked up at himself in the mirror after turning off the tap. Whatever he saw, he hated it. His hair was a mess, his face was bloody, the bandage took up half his forehead, his eyes were red and puffy. Fuck. How was he meant to see Keith looking like this?

Actually, at this point, what did it matter? Keith was the one who cleaned up Lance's face yesterday, carried him to bed and is basically the reason Lance is alive right now. Keith won't care what Lance looks like, right? Why would he?

Walking out the bathroom, Lance noticed that Keith put Lance's phone on charge. He couldn't help but smile at that fact. It was such a small thing to do, yet it meant a lot to him. Lance picked up his phone and saw Allura sent him a message. Lance decided not to reply. He'll call her later. Right now he wanted to go see if Keith was okay. He feels bad for making him sleep on the couch at his own house.

He walked out of the room towards what he assumed was the living room, and there he was. Keith. Sleeping on the couch on his back, arm dangling off the side. He smiled. And then that smile faded instantly when he looked at the table, his mind instantly getting flashbacks to when he was a little boy walking in on his dad sleeping on the couch, surrounded by alcohol, completely passed out from getting drunk.

How could Keith do this? And to think Lance was going to forgive him for dodging his question last night. He really believed he could trust Keith, and that whatever reason he had for not answering his question was perfectly reasonable. And to find him in the same way he always found his dad, fuck, what did Lance expect?

Quickly wanting to get out of there, Lance ran back to the bedroom and grabbed his phone, stumbling on his way back out and accidently slamming into the door.

"Ow! Shit!" He shouted, which managed to wake up Keith.

Keith shot up from the couch and looked at Lance. "Oh, Lance, you're up. You okay?"

"Yeah. Fine." Lance replied while walking towards the exit door of Keith's apartment.

"Wait where are you going? What's going on?"


"What? No no, you can't leave, there's a shit ton of cops out there."


"Yeah, they're trying to track the cars that were at the event."

"Good thing I don't have my car."

"Then how are you planning on getting home?"

"Walking." Lance grabbed the keys and started unlocking the door.

"Are you fucking insane?" Keith shouted, running up to Lance and trying to take the keys out of Lance's hands.

"Get lost Keith." He yelled back, slapping Keith's hand away.

"What is your problem? I thought we were fucking chill now?"

Lance put the keys down, sighed, and turned to face Keith. "Us? Chill? As if."

"I thought we had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!"

"I don't remember that. You're fucking drunk."

"Drunk? What?"

"Don't bullshit me Keith! You leave me in your fucking room half passed out and you go fucking drinking? After everything that happened last night? I literally almost died in your fucking car, we got chased by police for fuck knows how many miles, I was out of it for half the fucking evening and you fucking acted like you didn't know what the fuck I was on about after you said you'd answer my question. Did you even call Allura? Or anyone for that matter? Can you seriously not go a fucking day sober? Fuck I can't believe I actually thought staying here would be a good idea. I let myself be vulnerable with you. I actually felt sort of relieved that you found out who I am. I thought maybe we could now be friends instead of the childish bullshit we had going on for the last few years and you just couldn't help but turn to alcohol. You're just like every other selfish, addicted street racer I know." Lance didn't even plan any of that. It just came out. He was mad, and upset, and tired, and hurt. Physically and emotionally. Yelling all of that really took it out of him, he felt dizzy and weak again. But he wasn't going to let Keith see that. Not this time. He forced himself to stay upright, looking Keith dead in the face.

Keith couldn't say anything. He was in shock. How long was Lance holding that in? Was Keith imagining things last night? He could've sworn they were fine. What on earth got into him?

Lance waited for Keith to say something, but there was nothing. Lance turned around again and picked up the keys, but once again was stopped by Keith taking them off him.

"I can't let you leave. The cops will find you or you'll fucking pass out again and get yourself killed."

"Whatever. Go fuck yourself." Lance said while walking past Keith, attempting to go back into the bedroom.

"No, Lance." Keith grabbed Lance's arm to stop him. "Stop being a fucking dick and hear me out before you start saying shit you don't mean."

"I meant everything I said." He replied, shaking Keith's arm off him. "And don't fucking touch me."

Keith decided to lay off and let Lance cool down. He was not in the mood to be dealing with this. He watched as Lance went into the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Keith sighed and went back to the living room, putting away the bottles of alcohol he stupidly left out. He realised Lance must have connected the dots wrong, seeing open bottles and a half empty glass on the table doesn't exactly paint a pretty picture. But the way Lance reacted, he seemed more upset than the average person would be if they thought they found someone drunk. Why did Lance get so upset?

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