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"What time is it?" Asked Allura after everyone finished eating.

Romelle Pulled out her phone. "It's just past 3"

"What? Already?" Asked Keith.

"Yep. I mean we did finish the film and we have been talking for ages." Romelle replied. To be honest, by saying 'we', she meant her and Allura had been talking for ages. Keith has been lost in thought and Lance was just sat in silence, probably also lost in thought.

"When do you want us to leave?" Keith asked Allura.

"Whenever. I like having guests round."

"What time do you need to be getting ready for the event?" Romelle asked Keith.

"Uh, I don't really get ready. I just put on my suit and leave."

"Really? Lance takes forever." Allura said.

Everyone Romelle and Keith looked at her, confused as to what she meant. Lance quickly realised what just happened and tried to explain. "She means when I have VLD events."

Allura looked shocked for a second, stunned by the fact she nearly gave Lance away. "Right, yes."

Keith still internally raised an eyebrow at that. Both Lance and Allura seemed to have panicked slightly, and Keith noticed.

"Well what do you expect. He obviously has to make himself look good for his fan girls." Romelle added.

"Hey, I don't need to make myself look good. I'm naturally beautiful. I just bedazzle myself slightly more when I need to."

Keith rolled his eyes.

"I saw that." Lance said.

"Saw what?" Keith replied. He didn't expect Lance to say anything to him again. It's been a bit awkward between them again.

"You. Rolling your eyes. Quite rude if you ask me." Lance didn't really know where this was going, but he did know that calling Keith out on random things was funny. He liked seeing Keith flustered after getting confronted.

"Well good thing I didn't ask you."

"Sexual tension in the air is crazy right now." Coran said, appearing once again out of no where in the doorway of the lounge.

Romelle and Allura burst out laughing, Keith staring blankly and Lance once again choking on his drink. Coran disappeared again.

Lance thought for a second, should he play along? Would that stop the awkwardness between them? Or should he keep quiet? What if he makes things worse?

No, Lance couldn't help it. How could he give up such an opportunity? Flirting is his second nature.

But before he could say anything, Allura stole the opportunity. "Are you denying his good looks?" She asked Keith, still laughing.

"What? I'm not." He shouted out quickly, clearly not registering what he got asked and what his response meant.

"Oh, so you think I'm good looking now huh Mullet?" Lance said, holding back a laugh and trying to keep up his flirty tone. He didn't know why he suddenly got this random boost of confidence, but it felt great.

"What? No. And lay off my hair."

"But you just-" He got cut off.

"Can we change topic?" Keith asked abruptly. He clearly felt cornered.

Lance sighed dramatically.

"Actually I should probably get going." Keith said, standing up. He suddenly really wasn't enjoying himself. He knew the whole situation was meant to be funny, but for some reason he felt embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the room changed. it was heavier now. "Why? You still have ages before you need to go." Romelle questioned, slightly concerned.

"Just remembered I have a few things to do before the event." He said bluntly while continuing to gather his things.

"Oh okay. Call me when you're getting ready later."

"Okay, will do."

"Oh! What if the three of us come watch you race?" She said a bit more excitedly.

Allura and Lance glanced at eachother, panicked again.

"Actually we can't really be seen at street racing events. Could ruin our careers. We'll definitely watch online though!" Allura said quickly. It wasn't a lie, they definitely couldn't be seen at an illegal event. But it was mainly because Lance wouldn't be able to show up anyway. He's taking part as Blue.

"Oh right yes, obviously. Do you want me to come?" Romelle asked Keith who was standing at the door of the lounge, ready to leave.

"No, it's okay. Thanks though." To be honest, Keith really didn't want Romelle to go. He hated the fact she even watched the races, let alone see them in person. What if she remembered the kind of person he really is? He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he lost his only friend because she didn't want to be associated with someone like him. He already nearly lost her once when she first found out. Luckily, Romelle couldn't stay mad at him for long. It took some convincing, but she knew he had a good heart.

"Okay, just be safe!"

"Bye." He said before leaving in a hurry.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lance asked when he heard the door shut, genuinely worried.

"No, I wouldn't worry too much. He's just not too good with confrontation. Or people." Romelle replied.

"Yeah, we noticed." Chuckled Allura.

"Did I push it?" Lance asked, still worried.

"Don't worry Lance! He'll honestly be fine. You were just joking around." Romelle reassured. "It was probably getting overwhelming for him for a while anyway. Im surprised he lasted as long as he did. Normally when I try take him out to people he refuses, or if he decided to tag along then he stays silent the whole time. You actually got him to talk."

"Oh, okay. I'm glad."

Allura and Romelle changed topic and started up their own conversation again. Lance still wasn't convinced that it wasn't his fault Keith ran off. Maybe he did push it. He should have stayed quiet. Honestly what was he thinking. Flirting with Keith? He was never going to live that down.

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