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Lance couldn't stop looking at Keith. He never thought he'd see him outside of the events. This was so weird for him. Keith looked so different out of his racing suit. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket with a couple red embroidery marks on it. Lance has only ever really seen Keith in his red baggy racing suit, it was weird being able to see Keith's actual frame. Not that Lance was looking or anything.

As weird as all of this was, Lance couldn't help but want to call him emo to his face. That's what Blue would do, so having to keep that in to not give himself away was proving quite hard. Lance also realised Keith's mullet got longer and longer every time he saw him. You could probably style it into a few braids now. Wait, why was Lance thinking about putting Keith's hair into braids? Stop. That's not normal.

"Oh my God they put up your pictures!" Screeched Romelle when she saw Lance and Allura's modelling posters.

"Oh yeah they have! We look so good, don't we Lance?" Allura tried to get Lance to loosen up a bit. She could tell that being around Keith was eating him up from the inside out.

Keith agreed silently. As much as he didn't like Lance for being the stuck up brat he was and always showing off on social media, Keith had to admit he was good looking. Like, really good looking. But not that Keith really thought about how good looking Lance was. Definitely not. Because that would be weird. And this was definitely not weird.

Lance was still staring at Keith, spaced out. Keith noticed he was getting stared at and hesitantly turned to face Lance, looking him in the eyes for a split second before Lance realised he was being spoken to.

"What?" He paused and looked around to see if he could figure out what they were talking about. "Oh, they put our posters up!"

Romelle laughed. "Are you okay? You completely spaced out just then."

"Oh yeah I'm fine, sorry, guess I'm just a bit tired." Good save Lance.

Keith was getting slightly suspicious now. Why was Lance acting like this? Keith knew Lance was friends with Romelle and Allura so obviously he was acting weird because of him. Sure, it was quite awkward between them because they haven't seen eachother in a few years and they were never on great terms in the first place, but surely this was a bit extra?

The group went into the shop, Romelle immediately dragging Allura to go look at all the pretty clothes on display, leaving the boys alone.

They stood awkwardly for a couple minutes pretending to look at clothes before Keith decided to suck it up and break the silence. You could practically cut the tension with a knife.

"So, how many posters are there of you in this mall? I've seen like four already."

Lance turned around to look at him. Keith was actually talking to him? Lance was sure they'd spend the whole time in silence. He thought about what to say for a bit before deciding to go with whatever was most casual. We don't want it to be even more weird than it already is.

"You're counting my face?" Lance asked in a rather flirty tone. Why would you ask that Lance. That wasn't casual at all. Both of them were just as surprised as eachother that that's what Lance chose to say.

"Uh, I guess so. It's kind of hard not to." Keith replied, which again shocked both of them. That also came out more flirty than it was meant to. What was happening right now?

"Because I'm so handsome." Alright Lance. That's enough. What are you even saying at this point. Lance didn't know why his brain was making him say that. Instincts maybe? He definitely regrets flirting with every living thing now.

That made Keith laugh. "In your dreams maybe." Maybe he was overthinking Lance's extra behaviour earlier. He probably just didn't know what to say, that's why he was acting so weird. Right? Either way, Keith was sort of relieved Lance was joking around with him. Even though he didn't expect the conversation to go that way at all, Keith just decided that it was probably normal for Lance since he has a reputation of flirting with everyone anyway.

"At least I don't look emo at our grown age." Lance, man, first you're flirting now you're insulting? Pick a struggle.

Keith's jaw dropped. "I'm not emo."

"Didn't say you were."

"But you just-"

"I said you look emo, Keith. Not that you are emo. There's a difference."

Woah. Lance said Keith's name. Like, to his face. That made Keith feel weird. They had known eachother since they were 19 but never said anything to eachother and now suddenly they're having a casual conversation? Not that Keith ever really thinks about people since he's always too drunk or high, but at first when he left VLD auto racing he convinced himself that everyone hates him for getting into street racing and drugs. Especially Lance. Lance was the golden boy. He worked with so many famous people, hell he was practically a celebrity himself. So why was he acting so casual with someone who was wanted by the police for years?

No. Keith hated this. He thought being around people was difficult when he was drunk or high, but this was another level of hard. Everything made him overthink. This is precisely the reason he only ever stayed sober before races and made sure to completely isolate himself during that time. What was he thinking going to see Shiro and then agreeing to see Romelle? And then starting a conversation with Lance? There was something severely wrong with Keith and he had to leave. Right now.

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