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Keith looked over in the direction he heard the familiar voice. It was Romelle. He immediately smiled when he saw her, she had that affect on people. Well, that was until he realised she wasn't alone.

Romelle ran up to Keith and gave him a hug. He hugged her back, making sure not to look over at who was standing with her previously, praying so hard that he was just seeing things. Keith was not prepared to spend time with other people right now. Even less so the people he saw standing with her.

"Come on guys, let's go!" Romelle said after letting Keith go from the hug, turning around and leading everyone inside the mall.

The group was silent. Like dead silent. Romelle didn't realise how awkward this was for everyone since she was friends with all of them but not all of them were friends with eachother. Romelle and Keith knew eachother since they were 16. She used to work at Keith's favourite coffee shop so they started talking and became friends. They stopped talking for a while when Keith had his rebellious faze and got into drugs when he left VLD team, but Romelle knew Keith was still a good person, so they hit it off again soon after. Her and Allura have been friends since they were very little, so she also became friends with Lance early on too.

Lance obviously knew who Keith was, they'd been rivals since he could possibly remember. They were both on the VLD auto racing team together and were two of the best racers there, but they never spoke. Keith always kept to himself and Lance was always too full of himself to really notice Keith that much unless they were both trying to one up eachother by showing off who's better. Keith even used to be friends with Pidge and Hunk, until he flunked out of auto racing and they stopped talking.

Lance also knew Keith in street racing, but Keith didn't know it was still Lance that he was going up against. It was quite weird for Lance, knowing that he sees Keith every year but not having Keith know the same thing. It just felt strange, and kind of sad too. This whole rivalry thing they had going on without even having Keith know who Blue actually is.

Keith knew who Lance was, obviously, everyone did. But last time he was aware of having an interaction with the guy was on Keith's last day with the VLD team when him and Lance were 21. They're 26 now. So it was quite weird for Keith to see Lance, he didn't know how to feel. Lance reminded Keith too much of Blue, but surely they weren't the same person, right? Keith just wanted to leave. He was prepared for a nice few hours with Romelle, not Lance.

Allura was in the middle of all of this. She used to talk to Keith very regularly when he was at VLD because her father also sponsored Keith and offered him modelling opportunities a few times. He doesn't just ask anyone for something like that, so when Keith turned him down it was a shock to everyone, and Allura often stepped up to try and convince him to try. Keith didn't mind Allura, he thought she was a nice person and all, but it was still weird being around her since his new life. She was one of the most well known people in the city for the best reasons, and Keith was known for the worst.

They all walked behind Romelle in silence before she turned to them with a huge smile and asked what they want to do. The three just looked up at her and stared blankly for a few seconds.

"Uh, why don't we go look into the new shop they opened upstairs?" Offered Allura, knowing for a fact the boys weren't going to suggest anything.

"Ooh yes! I heard some of your new clothes will be in there, right Lance?" Romelle said, looking at Lance completely oblivious to how uncomfortable he was.

He just carried on staring blankly. Completely spaced out.

"Yes that's right. My father and Lance worked very hard to release the new Autumn line." Replied Allura for him.

"I can't wait to see them in person! You and Allura really made them look great in the photo shoot." She said, still looking at Lance, him still being spaced out.

No one said anything. Allura gave Romelle a smile before they all followed her to the stairs in silence. Romelle had always been good at breaking awkward silence, but she often stayed silent too if she thought it was the comfortable kind. And for some reason, she thought that what her, Allura, Lance and Keith had was comfortable.

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