forty five

750 33 218

Running to his phone, Lance had the biggest smile on his face. All he could think about was that this was the perfect opportunity for him to get Keith to let loose a little. Sure, they've been having fun a lot and they've gotten to know eachother more and things haven't been so awkward anymore, but Lance could tell Keith was still holding back.

He was going to change that. You might be thinking to yourself, how on earth is Lance planning on doing that with the help of music?

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked Keith, standing on the opposite side of the kitchen, arms crossed.

"Patience, Keithy." Lance quickly responded as he scrolled through his phone.

"Keithy?" He laughed. "I'm scared."

"Oh would you just be patient?"

"Alright alright." Keith rolled his eyes.

After a few more seconds, Lance finally looked back up at Keith. "Got it." He said before pressing a button on his phone and turning the volume all the way up.

Not even a second had passed and Keith was already in absolute shock. There was absolutely no fucking way Lance just put on this song. Out of every single song there is to pick, why this one? His face dropped as Lance's smile just grew wider.

"Come on Keithy, don't you know this song?"

"Are you kidding me? The whole world knows this song."

"Then you know the dance to it too." He said as he placed his phone on the table.

"I am not dancing with you."

"Oh come on its not like its a slow dance."

Keith shook his head, but Lance wasn't having it. Instead, he started stepping towards Keith, one hand on his hip as the other was raised to his head, holding an imaginary hat. "Oooh, oooh." He sang through giggles.

Keith erupted into laugher. This was not happening right now. "You're an idiot."

"I know you know the dance." He replied, walking around Keith, still dancing.

"You're insane, Lance."

"Nope, I'm having fun. You can't say the same though."

"Actually I'm having plenty of fun just watching you." Keith smiled, crossing his arms as his eyes followed Lance twirling around the kitchen.

Lance gave up trying to convince Keith to dance, he could be really stubborn when he wanted to be and Lance hasn't yet mastered the act of getting him to break. But, that wasn't going to stop him from having fun himself. Carrying on singing, Lance started helping Keith clean the kitchen.

"It's going down, I'm yelling timber! You better move, you better dance!" He sang as he put the bowls into the dish washer.

Keith found himself staring at Lance. His eyes, his smile, his hair, his body. Everything was so perfect. The way his eyes lit up every time he laughed, the way his smile was so contagious that Keith couldn't help but smile too, the way his beautiful but messy curls bounced around and framed his face so nicely, the way his body moved so freely.

God, what was Keith doing? He can't be falling for Lance. That just isn't possible, and it just simply can't happen. Him and Lance could never be. They're just too different. A few days ago Keith was getting drunk out of his mind and dealing drugs with some random people he came across in a sketchy town, and now he's cleaning his kitchen while waiting for brownies to finish baking. All as he watches a tall, pretty, Cuban boy dance around him. The same boy that Keith had always tried to stay away from, but now he's the boy Keith wants to get closer to.

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