forty nine

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"So what happened?" Asked Shiro.

Sucking in a breath, Keith looked down at the floor. "Lance told me he likes me. Well, I dont know if he does, he didn't explicitly say that."

"What did he say?"

"He said he wants to be my boyfriend."

Romelle giggled, Shiro and Adam glancing over at eachother in a rather hopeless way.

"What?" Keith asked, confused.

"The poor boy says he wants to be your boyfriend, and you don't know if he likes you?" Adam questioned.

"Well when you put it like that-"

"There's no way to put it other than you're an idiot, Keith." Romelle teased. "He clearly likes you. I could tell from the very second you guys saw eachother at the mall. Allura could too. Why do you think we were gone so long in the changing rooms."

"But Lance said that she-"

"Takes ages and loves putting on clothes? Yes, she does, but it was no coincidence we left in the first place."

"How could he like me after only a few days? I didn't know him before that day,  he knew me even less. If it wasn't for him posting that stupid fucking tweet we wouldn't even-" Keith suddenly paused, eyes widening as they shot up at his friends sitting in front of him, all watching him closely as they listened. Something didn't add up here.

"Keith? You alright buddy?" Shiro asked.

"How do you guys- hold on a second." Keith stood up, beginning to pace around the room. "I didn't tell you guys Lance was at my house."

"Didn't you? I thought I remembered you mentioning him." Said Romelle, giving a nervous chuckle.

"No, no I most definitely didn't. You guys aren't even meant to know that he's-"

"Blue?" Shiro asked.

Keith stopped pacing, looking Shiro dead in the face.

"We figured."

"You- what? You can't be serious. You figured? You came here on the assumption that he was at my house and that he's Blue? You didn't actually know?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Allura didn't tell you?"

"Nope. She just told me I should check to see how you're doing since the event didn't go as planned."  Commented Romelle.

"So how did you-"

"Well I kind of had a suspicion when Lance started acting all weird whenever we mentioned the event at Allura's house. He wasn't being very subtle about it. And earlier I saw him and Allura at the event area as i was driving past, they looked like they were looking for something on the floor. I didn't stop to talk to them because I wanted to figure out what was going on for myself. That's when it just kind of clicked. Lance probably dropped his keys in all the chaos and he got into your car. Sound about right?"

Keith was in utter disbelief. He always thought of Romelle as, well, not the brightest of people. But damn did she make a good detective.

"I'll take the silence as a yes." She smiled proudly.

"You're insane."

"I was surprised, if that helps." Adam commented, slightly raising his hand.

Raising his hand to his head, Shiro sighed as Rommelle giggled.

"Allura will murder me if she finds out you guys know."

"Don't worry about that, Keith. We can all keep a secret." Adam reassured.

"Yeah! We love you Keith, we want what's best for you. Clearly that is being with Lance. We won't mess that up."

"I don't even know if I like him."

Shiro sunk his head into his hands. This kid was unbelievable.

"Why do you say that?" Adam questioned as he slightly elbowed Shiro, signalling to him to stop making things worse. But could they even get any worse? After everything that happened, not only did Keith say he doesn't even know if Lance likes him, he also doesn't even know if he likes Lance. Even Adam was beginning to lose hope.

"He's just- he's so- I don't even- where do I start? There's so many reasons why I shouldn't like him."

"Shouldn't? Or don't?"

Keith stopped pacing. Instead, he went to sit back down and put his elbows to his knees, burying his head in his hands. "I don't know." He muttered.

"Was it really Lance that got concussed?" Laughed Romelle.

"You're not helping." Adam sighed.

"She's right though. Keith doesn't seem to know anything. I thought this was going to be quick and easy. Pop in, ask what happened, tell him to go find his little boyfriend, everyone lives happily ever after."

"Shiro." Adam said in a stern tone.

"Alright, alright." He sighed, raising his hands in defence.

"You're wasting your time guys." Keith finally stated.

"No we're not. We're your friends Keith. We do want what's best for you."

"I don't know what that is."

"If you didn't like Lance, would you really be overthinking this whole situation like this?" Romelle questioned, and without even giving Keith time to answer, she cut in. "I didn't think so."

"Again, Romelle's right." Shiro added.

"Yeah, I have to agree there."

"But it's too soon. Everything happened so quickly. I'm in my mid twenties and have barely any relationship experience. I've never properly liked anyone. How could I just suddenly fall for Lance, of all people, in just a few days?"

"Love works in strange ways." Shrugged Adam.

This time, it was Shiro elbowing Adam. He always has the worst timing with his silly comments.

"Keith, listen." Romelle started, waiting for a sign from Keith that he was prepared to take in what she was about to say. He tilted his head up towards her and nodded slightly. "You've had a rough start. Life hasn't treated you in the best way. But part of that is your fault too. People care about you, but you don't let them in. You're always pushing everyone away and spend most of your time alone, and you don't even treat yourself in the best of ways. But for once, you opened up a door for someone. Literally. You let Lance into your home, you let down your guard and now you're messing it up. Don't ruin it completely by shutting down your feelings. Lance is good, and I can tell he's already had an influence on you. Why are you letting him go just because you're scared it's too soon? Who said there's a time requirement on feelings? I know you like him, and I know that you know it too. Even if things are going too quickly, or you're not one hundred percent clear on your feelings, you should at least talk to him again. None of us want to stand on the side and watch you lose yourself again, but it's your life and you are the one who has to do something about it."

Sighing, Keith got up and slowly made his way towards his apartments door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To do something about it."

"And that is?"

"I'm getting Lance back."

"That's more like it!" Romelle exclaimed.

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