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"You're right." Lance whispered, sounding really defeated.

"What was that?" Keith said, voice lowered yet still angry.

Lance looked up at Keith, trying to figure out if he meant that literally or if he was trying to be a dick. He settled on somewhere in between. "You're right." He repeated.

"About what?" Okay. Keith was definitely trying to be a dick.

"Whatever. Just drive me back before I pass out again." Lance was getting dizzy from standing for so long, his head still pounding. The bleeding finally stopped though, which Keith noticed which made him feel really relieved, even though he was furious with Lance.

Keith didn't say anything, he just opened up the passenger door for Lance instead. This earned him a weird glance from Lance as he got in, making sure he was the one who closed the door after he sat down. Lance couldn't let Keith take all the glory.

Keith walked round the car and got into the drivers seat. "Make sure to put your seatbelt on."


Keith actually did laugh, but Lance just rolled his eyes, forcing back a smile. The two were literally at eachothers throats like two minutes ago and now they're laughing together. This was too much for one night.

"You alright?" Keith asked.


"Your head."

"Oh, right. I'm less dizzy now. Just drive slow."


As Keith drove out of the forest, Lance reached into his pocket for his phone. "Shit."

Keith looked over to him staring at his phone, clearly panicked. "What?"

"I have like 50 missed calls from Allura."

"Oh fuck!" Keith shouted. "Shiro was at the event! And Romelle was watching!"

"Where's your phone?"

"In my pocket. Why?"

Lance reached into Keith's pocket and took out his phone. "Yep. 23 missed calls from Shiro and 15 from Romelle."

"Fuck. I need to call them back."

"Good luck doing that with your phone at 3%"

Keith sighed heavily. "What's yours on?"


"Is that enough to call anyone?"

"Doubt it. My battery sucks. This phone is like four years old."

Keith laughed. "You're rich beyond belief and you've had the same phone for four years?"

"Hey, I may have money but that doesn't mean I'm not loyal. I love this phone."

Keith rolled his eyes. "Well that isn't very helpful in this situation."

"Wouldn't be in this situation if you lost the police earlier."

Keith looked at Lance, who was also looking back at him. "Don't even fucking start Lance."

That made Lance look away. It just clicked again that Keith actually knows who is he, and that he really shouldn't know. Keith also felt weird now.

The two drove in silence for a few seconds before Lance spoke. "Keith, listen." He paused, Keith quickly glancing over at him to signal he is listening. "About me being Blue and stuff-" He got cut off.

"I won't tell anyone."

Lance could tell he was being genuine, but he was still scared. Or maybe not scared, more worried of what Keith thinks.

"Honestly I kind of figured it out. Or well, I was mostly certain."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm surprised more people don't know. I mean it was kind of clear to me after just spending a few hours with you earlier."


"I don't know. I mean I sort of picked up on it straight away. Your voice felt familiar, you're a similar build, your humour was really similar to what I've seen in your interviews as Blue. I don't know. It was just a thought at first. But then back at Allura'a place, whenever the event or Blue was brought up you were acting weird which made me suspicious. And then I guess I just sort of pieced it together as a possibility, but something felt missing so I wasn't entirely sure."

"What felt missing?"

"Confidence. Blue is this really arrogant, stuck up, immature guy. But he's a great racer and he owns that. He knows what he's worth, and he knows he's good. But you-" He paused, turning to look at Lance quickly who was also looking back at him. "You seemed different earlier today. You weren't the annoying racer I know."

Lance didn't know what to say. He just sat thinking for a moment.

"Does anyone know?" Keith asked.

"Allura. And now you."

"That makes sense. Has she always known?"


"What about your friends from VLD? Pidge and Hunk or whatever."

"No. They're against it. Honestly I only really talk to them around auto racing season. It's mainly just me and Allura."

Him and Allura? As in, are they a thing? Surely not, they can't be. It didn't seem like they were a thing. Not that Keith cares. Not at all. He's just curious, but he won't ask.

"Did you post that tweet as you or Blue?" Was what he asked instead.

"Keith, I am Blue. What are you talking about?"

"No. Well, yes, you are Blue physically, but your personality is just an act. Is it not?"

Lance didn't reply.

"Why did you post it?"

"I just-" He paused as he looked out the window, realising that Keith wasn't taking them to the event. "Where the fuck are we going?"

"My house."


"You're right, I can't take you to the hospital. Your career would be ruined and they would most likely put you in prison, so that's out of the question. But I also can't let you drive. We'll pick up your car tomorrow, when I'm sure you're not dying."

"I'm staying round yours?" Lance stammered.

Keith glanced over at him. "Problem?"

Lance felt slightly intimidated. "No."


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