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The boys stopped talking now, going back to their previous awkward silence. However this time, it wasn't so much an uncomfortable awkward silence but an embarrassing awkward silence. Like, uncomfortable awkward silence is what you get when you're stuck in a packed elevator and you're basically touching shoulders with a bunch of strangers, and embarrassing awkward silence is when you see someone wave at you from across the street and you wave back just to realise they were waving at the person behind you and then you have to spend another minute walking towards that person knowing that they know you thought they were waving at you.

Well, that's how Lance felt right now at least. The atmosphere around them changed some how after he had said Keith's name. Keith didn't say anything back to Lance when he had said that, he just half laughed and then quickly looked away and started his act of pretending to look at clothes he very clearly wouldn't wear.

Lance wasn't exactly sure why, but he also felt a bit weird after saying Keith's name. It was strange, after all these years, to say his name while being himself and not Blue. He couldn't tell whether it was a nice weird feeling or a bad weird feeling. He couldn't quite explain it. Why was Keith making Lance feel all these weird feelings? It's Keith. Lance hates Keith. Always has and always will. He's a stuck up, rude, selfish, unfunny, serious, emo criminal.

Technically, Lance is also kind of a criminal. Sometimes it keeps him up at night knowing he's actually doing something really illegal by doing street racing and running from the police while he's Blue. But that's the only wrong thing he does. Lance doesn't do drugs unlike basically every other person in the teams, he doesn't even smoke. He thinks it's nasty and wrong. He drinks, sure, but in moderate amounts and rarely gets drunk. He loves to party and have a bit of a drink sometimes but majority of the time he's the designated chaperone who takes all his friends home afterwards.

Honestly, his aversion to drugs is probably because even thinking about them and being around someone who he knows takes them triggers him. Everyone thinks Lance's family is so damn perfect and close. But that couldn't he further from the truth. Most of his family are great people, Lance loves his family and knows they all love him too, but his dad was an addict. A really big one at that. When Lance was little, his dad got into an accident accident and was on lots of pain killers. He got addicted. The addiction never faded.

It tore Lance's family apart for years, until Lance's older brother threatened to leave to the furthest University he could possibly find and never speak to anyone again. They sort of sorted themselves out after that, except from his dad who later OD'ed. Since then, his family has gotten better, but they'll never fully recover. And neither will Lance. So, he promised himself to never do drugs and to always control himself. He also tried to stay away from people who couldn't do the same, but he found a love for street racing that normal auto racing couldn't give him. At first, he had a lot of issues with not breaking down every time he saw everyone dealing, but with time he got used to it. Part of him did at least, but the other part will always resent it and feel uneasy.

Keith however seemed to have made Lance forget during their casual conversation earlier that he's basically bat shit crazy. Lance was fully aware of the huge stunt Keith's gang pulled with the whole drug operation that made them all some of the most wanted people in the country for a while, yet Lance could some how see past that now. He never did before, when they saw eachother at events and Lance saw Keith with the Galra team, but seeing him in his casual clothing in a casual setting made him realise that Keith is just a normal human being. A very fucked up human being, but wasn't everyone at least a little fucked up? What made this guy different?

Either way, Lance felt a little more at ease about tonight's race now. Oh wait, shit, tonight's race. He's going to see Keith again. He challenged Keith. Well, he didn't, Blue did, but he is Blue, so technically he did, but Keith doesn't know that. What if he finds out? What if them spending time together right now will make Keith connect the dots? Shit. This really isn't good. Lance needed to leave. Right now.

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