twenty eight

609 27 16

When Keith finally pushed through the crowds and got to his area, he noticed Kolivan on the floor just outside the Galra area. Keith guessed he got knocked over and was struggling to get up.

Honestly, Keith probably wouldn't have helped him. But for some reason, he felt different tonight. He felt like he should help someone else for once. And so he did.

He quickly rushed over to Kolivan, helping him up and unlocking his car for him.

"Hurry! Get in the car!" Kolivan shouted to Keith.

"I cant leave my car here. You go, I'll be right behind you." Keith replied.

"Be safe son." Kolivan said before driving off.

Keith ran back to his car and got into the drivers side. Just as he put on his seatbelt and was going to hit the gas pedal, he heard the passenger door open.

"Hey! What the-" He turned to see who it was. "Blue? What the fuck are you doing in my car?" He exclaimed, very startled. What on Earth was happening right now?

"Drive!" Blue shouted, slamming the door shut.

"But-" Keith got cut off.

"Just drive!" Blue shouted again. He was desperate. Keith was his last option, as much as he didn't want him to be. Blue was not going to get caught. He couldn't.

Keith obeyed, noticing the pure fear in Blue's voice. He hit the gas pedal and swerved his car towards the main road. There were so many cars racing towards it, speeding past the multiple police cars, vans and motorbikes scattered around the area.

Keith didn't know what to do. He was driving so fast, there was so much dust, so many lights, so many cars. It was too much. Even for Keith, who had been in so many of these situations before, yet none of them ever this bad. The amount of people who showed up to tonight's event was world record breaking, so not only were there double the amount of fans as usual, there was triple the amount of police. This meant the roads were way more busy than usual.

Bolting towards the main road, a car suddenly appeared out of the dust in front of them. Keith hit the breaks, hard. It sent him and Blue flying forwards, Blue hitting his head off the front window.

"Shit!" Keith yelled as Blue cried out in pain. He honked at the car in front of him which was quickly trying to turn towards the road. Keith looked over at Blue, panicked.

"Fuck, you're bleeding!"

"No fucking shit Keith! I just smashed my fucking head against your fucking window!" Blue screamed, holding his hand to the front of his head, thick red blood streaming down his mask.

Keith was just staring at Blue, unsure of what to say. He was so overwhelmed, he was so scared. He just hurt Blue.

"Keith! What are you waiting for? Fucking drive!" Blue yelled at him, desperation in his voice increasing. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave Keith as his last option.

The sound of police sirens got louder the longer Keith stood still. He quickly looked back to the front, readjusted his gear, hit the gas and sped off down towards the road, swerving past every car in the way. There was no way he was letting himself get caught, especially when it meant getting Blue caught too. Not that he cared about Blue whatsoever, but there was something different about him today and Keith couldn't quite figure out what. Not to mention he was also just sat bleeding out in Keith's car. Shit.

The longer he was sat next to Blue, the more he felt like he's done this with him before. But that's not possible, this is the first time he's made any direct contact with him, right? No, Keith can't be thinking about this right now. He needs to get them out of here. Fast.

Blue was still wincing in pain, trying to put on his seatbelt with one hand while holding up his mask with the other. His mask's band snapped from the impact so now the only way to keep it up was by holding it up, and he was not planning on letting go of it any time soon.

Keith glanced over, unsure of what to do. After a few seconds, he made it to the main road. There were a shit ton of cars, people running down the sidewalks, so many different lights and countless amounts of screams and sounds of car tires sliding on the road and dirt.

Once again, a car came out of nowhere, trying to merge in with all the traffic. Keith slammed the break, once again sending Blue jolting forwards just before he put his seatbelt on.

"Fuck!" Keith cursed.

This time, he didn't cry out in pain. This time, he was silent. Keith glanced over to him quickly.

"Blue?" Keith paused, but there was no answer. Keith had to start driving again, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Blue what the fuck man why aren't you saying anything?" He shouted.

He glanced over again, this time noticing that the mask was on Blue's lap instead of on his face. Keith's heart stopped. He looked back at the road again before looking back at Blue.

His head hung forward, blood dripping down onto his lap from his face. Blue's hair stuck to his face, covering it just enough so that Keith couldn't quite tell who he was. Keith didn't know what to do. He couldn't breathe. He was shaking. Everything was spinning. What the fuck is he meant to do now? Did he just get Blue killed?

After a few minutes of speeding down the road and taking numerous random turns in hopes to lose the police tailing him, the amount of cars on the road decreased. Police sirens could no longer be heard. Keith finally started catching his breath.

Once again, he turned to look at Blue. This time he saw he was actually still breathing. Keith sighed out in relief. Blue wasn't dead, he just got knocked out.

Keith stared at Blue, realising how much blood he was losing from having his head not propped up on the car seat headboard. What was he meant to do? Put his head up? No. He couldn't. That would mean risking realising who he is without the mask. And that's pushing way too many boundaries. He can't touch Blue. Plus, what if Keith was hallucinating seeing him breathe? What if he's actually dead?

Fuck. No. Okay. He had to put his head up. Keeping his eyes on the road, Keith carefully and slowly reached out his arm towards Blue's head. Before he could touch it, the sounds of police sirens echoed down the street again.

The sudden noise startled Keith, making him quickly slam the gas pedal. Blue's head flung backwards, waking him up.

"Ow! Shit!" He yelped.

"Holy shit you're fucking alive!" Keith shouted, half freaked out, half relieved. He kept his eyes on the road, too scared to look in Blue's direction.

"Fuck! Was it out?" Blue said, totally freaking out.

Keith noticed Blue's mask beginning to slip off his lap, reaching out to grab it before replying.

"Keith look out!" Blue yelled out.

Keith left the mask and quickly looked at the road. A cop car appeared from the side of the road, turning its sirens on. Keith sped past it. There was now three cars chasing them.

"Shit, thank-" Keith began, turning towards Blue, forgetting he shouldn't be looking at him. "Lance?" He screamed.

Lance didn't know what to do or say. He just stared back at Keith, blank faced. Lance's head was spinning and his vision was blurry. After what felt like way too long of trying to focus on Keith's eyes, Lance turned away, staring at the mask that was on his lap instead of his face, realising what had just happened.

Keith looked back at the road, stunned. Lance fucking McClain is sat in his car right now. Better yet, Lance is Blue. And Keith totally called it.

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