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"I never thought I'd miss my baby so much!" Lance exclaimed into the new phone he bought as he sped down the street.

"Lance, it's a car." Allura replied on the other end, rather unamused.

"She is not just a car."

"Sure, whatever you say."

After going out to bingo with Coran, Allura proposed that Lance and her should go look for his car keys and get his car back before it got towed. It took a little longer than expected to find the keys, but that's because Lance tried to give up at least fifty times as he was adamant someone had stolen the keys and, as he said, his 'whole life is doomed'.

Allura made sure to keep up the search though, and sure enough she found them. Lance got his car back and immediately his whole mood was improved. Enough for Allura to say he can go back to his house now without worrying too much.

They also stopped on the way to get Lance a new phone, because there was no way he was going to get it back. Not unless Keith brought it back to Lance himself. That scenario felt way too unlikely, so the safer bet was getting a new phone altogether.

"Let me know if you need anything and I'll be right over, okay?"

"Don't worry, Princess. I'm a grown man. I can handle myself."

"Really? Because the grown man I remember was crying in my bed a few hours ago over someone he's known a few days."

There was silence. Lance felt too called out.

"Mhm. That's what I thought." Allura added.

"I'll let you know if I need anything. But I'll be okay. I'm over it."

"I don't know who you're lying to there but it sure isn't me."

"I'm not lying!"

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Whatever. Drive safe."

"You too!"

The second Allura hung up, Lance hit the gas pedal slightly harder and drove down the mostly empty street. He couldn't wait to get home.

Finally, he arrived back at his house. Quickly parking his car and running inside, he slammed the door shut behind him. And then he cried.

The tears came out of nowhere, stinning his eyes and streaming down his face uncontrollably. Who was he kidding? He wasn't fine. He couldn't handle it. Lance felt too much.

Everything was hitting him like a brick. He collapsed onto his bed and gripped the pillow tightly as his salty tears soaked into it. What was wrong with him? Lance really thought he was going to be okay. Actually, no, he was just trying to convince himself he would be. But deep down, he knew this was going to happen. Sooner or later it was all going to come back, he just didn't expect it this soon.

Maybe his feelings for Keith were a lot stronger than he anticipated. But Keith didn't feel the same.

Or did he? He tried to apologise, right? That's why he really called Lance earlier. It has to be the reason. He was going to apologise and ask for Lance back. Right? Or was he really that much of a dick that he called just to tell Lance he left his phone? No, no that can't be it.

Oh well. Whatever. It was too late anyway. Lance told him he can't remember anything. Keith's probably sat at home drinking without a care in the world. What else would he be doing?

After rushing out of his apartment, Keith drove to Allura's as fast as he could possibly get away with. If he spent too much time thinking about what he was doing right now, he would definitely back out and drive home again. So this needed to be done quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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