forty two

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The whole duration of the film, the boys found themselves some how drifting closer and closer together. Both on a mental level, by talking about some of their likes and dislikes, like favourite music, favourite racing tricks, least favourite cars, etc. And on a physical level, because at the start of the film they were sat on the opposite ends of the couch, and now they were both sat in the middle. Basically touching. Sharing a blanket.

When the film ended, Keith gave Lance a quick quiz, just to make sure he was actually paying attention. Lance aced most the questions, and for some reason that made Keith oddly happy.

After the quiz, they kind of drifted away again. Lance went to take a 'power nap' as he called it, even though he has been asleep for an hour now, and Keith put on another film. About half way through, Shiro called him.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"I'm alright, why? You okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, just wanted to check in on you. I'm assuming you haven't been on your phone much."

"No, I'm trying to stay away. Last time I checked I had over a thousand messages from fans and I've been tagged in way too many posts. I can't be bothered."

"Figured as much. There's been no update from the police, so I think they've given up since they haven't caught anyone."

"That's good."

"We can probably relax now with staying in doors. Want me to come round? Or why don't you come over? Maybe it would be better if you had some company."

"I do." Keith paused for a split second when he realised he can't let Shiro know he has company. "-n't need company." Good save.

"Classic Keith. You sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks though."

"No worries. Stay in touch okay?"

"Sure. Bye Shiro."

"Bye." Shiro said before hanging up.

This means Lance can go home now. But does Keith want Lance to go home? He usually hates being with others, and it's rare he's in the mood to hang out with his friends. Well, Romelle or Shiro. He doesn't have anyone else. But with Lance, it's been different. It's been nice, even though they argued this morning and Keith was scared Lance would leave after he told him how he got his scar. For some reason, Keith wants Lance around. Why?

Suddenly, the sound of floorboards creaking echoed through the quiet house, making Keith turn around to see where the sound was coming from. It was Lance, coming out of Keith's bedroom still very clearly half asleep.

"Were you talking to someone?" Lance asked through a yawn.

Keith's eyes followed Lance as he went to sit down on the couch, just a few inches away from Keith, and stealing the blanket for himself.

"Yeah, Shiro called."

Lance's expression changed to a slightly more panicked one.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell him. He doesn't know you're here." Keith assured, knowing what Lance was worried about.

"Thank you." Lance said. "Is he alright?" He asked as he curled up on the couch under the blanket, closing his eyes.

"He is, but are you?"

"Mhm." Lance still had his eyes closed.

"Are you still tired?"


Keith laughed. "Well I was planning on making some dinner, but if you'd rather sleep-"

Jumping up from the couch, Lance looked at Keith with a smile. "Dinner it is."

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