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"Who was that?" Lance questioned while sitting back down at the table.

"Why do you care who I was texting?" Keith replied, joining him on the other side.

"I don't." He snapped back.

"Relax, I was kidding." Keith raised an eyebrow. "It was Romelle. She asked where I was and if I knew where you were."

"Oh, right. I let Allura know I was leaving earlier to go find you but I forgot to update her."

"You were looking for me?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess so."

"Oh. Why?"

Lance was silent for a minute. That was a good question. Why was he looking for him?

"I don't know. You just left."

"We weren't talking anyway, I didn't think you'd notice. And I'm assuming I was right since you came down nearly 20 minutes after I did."

"I realised after about 10. I was asking one of the employees if they saw where you went."

"Oh right. But you've still not really answered me. Why did you come looking for me?"

"To be honest-" Lance was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and Allura's voice.

"There they are!" She said while pointing at the boys.

Lance and Keith gave eachother a quick glance, as if to saver whatever moment they had left with just eachother before Romelle and Allura reached their table. Keith would have to wait to get an answer out of Lance.

"Hey guys!" Lance said, shuffling up to let Allura sit next to him. Keith did the same and Romelle sat down next to him.

"Oh my god, you guys should've seen Allura up there. The girl can model like no one else can. She even gave a little show for the employees and they gave her a discount on a jumper!" Romelle explained.

"Really? Let's see it!" Lance said.

Allura took out a brown jumper which had three little pumpkins embroidered on the left side of it near the chest area. It was a cute jumper, perfect for fall. Especially since Haloween was coming up soon with it being mid October. Allura loved autumn. It was her favourite season.

Lance, believe it or not, is more of a winter person. Most people think he's all for summer since he gets to show off his body and the girls go absolutely mental for it, and honestly he did like summer. He liked all the seasons. They all made him look great and he always knew how to dress. But nothing beats winter in his eyes. Nothing beats going to sleep with a chilly breeze from your window being slightly cracked open. Nothing beats wearing cozy winter outfits and layering to keep yourself warm. Nothing beats fluffy blankets and huddling in with your friends and family and drinking hot chocolate with insane amounts of whipped cream. But most importantly, winter is Christmas season.

And nothing, absolutely nothing, beats Christmas. Lance loved everything about it. The lights, the snow, the presents, the christmas trees, the atmosphere, the decorations, how dark it was, the food, the drinks. Absolutely everything. But above all, as dangerous as it was, his favourite thing in winter was the late night and early morning drives. When no one's on the road because its so dark and icey and because they're all at home sleeping. The Christmas lights beaming from every home, making the snow reflect all the different colours. It was truly something amazing, and he loved it. He was a skilled driver, so the ice never gave him trouble. Which just made it all the more fun. If only he had someone he could share this interest with. If only there was someone he could take on all these drives. Then his life would truly be complete.

"Isn't it cute?" Allura shrieked.

"Pretty jumper for the pretty lady." Lance said.

Keith was a little shocked. Well, not really, he knew Lance and Allura were friends and were really close, but was Lance flirting with her? Does that count as flirting or is that just something friends do?

"Keith, what do you think?" Romelle asked him.

"Oh, yeah, it's nice."

Lance laughed. "You know nothing about clothes do you?"

"What's that meant to mean? I know how to dress. Isn't that all I need to know?" Keith replied.

"Your outfit says otherwise."

"What's wrong with my outfit?"


Before Keith could say anything, the other three erupted into laughter again. Keith couldn't help but smile. Getting called emo was normally annoying, but for some reason, the way Lance said it was more funny and playful. It wasn't meant to be insulting.

"Anyway, what have you two been up to down here by yourselves then?" Romelle questioned.

"Oh, uh, well-" Keith didn't really know what to say.

"Just talking." Lance saved him. "We were placing bets on how long it would take you guys to finish with your dress rehearsal." That was a complete lie, but what was Lance meant to say? That they'd been awkwardly talking about awkward things? Nuh uh.

"Oh yeah? And who won?" Allura asked.

"Me." Keith butted in. "Lance thought you guys would definitely take longer." He gave Lance a quick smirk.

Oh lord what that smirk did to Lance. No, I mean, it didn't do anything to him, obviously. He definitely didn't get a weird feeling in his stomach. He definitely didn't suddenly feel really nervous again. He definitely didn't go slightly red in the face. Definitely not.

It just seemed so unlike Keith to smirk at Lance and play along with his cover up story. Lance was sure he'd just sit in silence and make Lance cover for them. But then again, Lance knew Keith was competitive. Is that was got Keith more relaxed? Competing? Did Lance just crack the code to making things less awkward?

"To be honest, we probably would've taken longer, but Romelle got hungry." Allura stated.

"Yeah! We should all go out for lunch!" Romelle suggested.

Lance looked at the time, 12:08pm.

"Sure." Keith said. "My treat."

That made Lance look up. Free food? Hell yeah. But from Keith? That was weird. So weird. Lance absolutely never imagined that he would spend this much time with Keith. God, tonight really will be torture.

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