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After Keith slammed the door behind him, he quickly rushed to his car and drove off. Where was he going? Who knew. All he knew was that he needed to put distance between himself and that house. More specifically, between himself and Lance.

Keith's mind was racing, heart was pounding, hands were shaking, all while going way too fast down the road and almost driving past two red lights. He's so screwed for tonight if he doesn't manages to calm himself down.

But how? Can't drink, can't do drugs, can't talk to anyone because he has no one to talk to, can't drive because that's clearly stressing him out even more right now. Fuck. This isn't good.

Keith decided that as much as he doesn't want to, going home is the best thing he can do right now. If he could even call that house a home. He has no good memories there, or any memories in the first place. He's lived there for years and yet it's still barely furnished, let alone decorated. It's just the place he sleeps and stores all his stuff. His car feels more like home.

Finally making it to his apartment, Keith parks his car and gets inside, tossing his keys on the cabinet in the doorway. He makes his way to his bedroom and sits down on his bed, taking his phone out his pocket and opening up twitter.

Thousands more notifications have flooded his phone since last night. All anyone is talking about is who's going to win once and for all between Keith and Blue. So many bets have been made it's hard to accurately see which one of them has more votes.

Typically, Keith doesn't really look through social media. He doesn't have the time or patience, and it's never sparked his interest. He knows he's a good driver, and he knows other people think so too. He doesn't need to keep having others validate that for him.

But something about this time was different. For some reason, this time, he did care what others were saying. Normally when people defend Lance online, or well in this case Blue, then their arguments consist of the fact he's funny or good looking, even though no one knows what he actually looks like behind his mask. But he assumed that's part of the reason people liked him. Apparently girls fell for the whole mysterious act.

Either way, there wasn't usually much actual defending going on about his racing, so Keith wasn't bothered. However this time, there are some actual proper thought out comments on why people think Blue is better. This worried Keith slightly. When it actually came down to it, Blue's fans actually had good points and took him seriously as a racer. Does this mean Keith might actually lose?

It's always a 50/50 chance when the two of them go up against eachother. There's absolutely no way of guessing who would win. They were basically on the same level, so in a way, whoever won tonight might not really be the best. But Blue called him out, and no one was going to forget it. This race is going to be spoken about for years, and if Keith loses? He probably won't ever show his face anywhere again.

After an endless amount of scrolling, a horrendous idea popped into his head. For some reason, after pushing himself today to actually hang out and talk to two 'new' people, Keith got a slight confidence boost. What if he replied to Blue's tweet?

Well, maybe he didn't have that much confidence. Replying to his tweet directly was a tad too confrontational, and Keith didn't want to give Blue the satisfaction. Plus, the amount of replies on Blue's tweet was insane. It probably was close to hitting a world record of replies on a single tweet, so Keith was worried his reply would get lost amongst the others. So, he decided to write his own tweet, accepting the challenge.


That was it. That was the tweet. One word. Okay. It definitely got the message across, but would people understand? Of course they would, who was he kidding. What else would he be saying 'okay' to?

Just a mere moment later, his tweet was just as viral as Blue's. Hundreds of replies, hundreds of likes, hundreds of retweets. His phone was blowing up more than ever. Keith felt overwhelmed. He knew he'd get some attention, but this much? And only a few minutes after posting? He needed some air.

He rushed to his small balcony and put his hands on the barrier, leaning forwards slightly and taking a couple deep breaths to calm down. Looking ahead of him, he realised the sun was beginning to set. This was Keith's favourite thing about this time of year. The sunsets came so early.

As he looked at the sunset, taking in all the pinks and oranges across the sky, he felt calmer and more at peace than ever. Suddenly his mind forgot about tonight's event, Blue, the tweets, everything. All that was on his mind was that he didn't want this moment to end. If he could pick to stay in one moment forever, it would be this one. Standing on his little balcony, alone, looking at the sunset.

But of course, every good moment has an ending. And this one came pretty abruptly as Keith heard his phone ringing from his bed.

He walked over to see who it was, sighed a little after reading the name and then picked up.

"Hi Shiro." He spoke.

"Okay. Okay? What is that meant to mean? What kind of come back is that? I know I always taught you to stay calm, think rationally, stay focused and whatever, but seriously? Okay?" Shiro rambled quickly.

"It wasn't a come back. It was a, I don't know, it was an acceptance." Keith explained, relatively calmly.

"An acceptance? What is this? A promposal? That's the kind of thing you accept by just saying 'okay'."

"Shiro, I think you're over reacting."

"Me? I don't over react."

"You're right. You don't. Which is why I'm being deadly serious right now. You're over reacting."

There was silence for a bit.

"I'm going to the event." Shiro finally spoke, calmer.

"What? No you're not."

"I am. Someone's gotta be there for you just in case."

"Just in case? In case of what?"

Again, there was a brief moment of silence.

"Shiro? In case of what?" Keith asked again.

"In case you lose."

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