twenty one

619 23 7

"What?" Keith asked, offended.

"Don't get me wrong, I love you and I think you're a great racer Keith, but you've been really distracted recently. You don't seem yourself."

Keith didn't respond.

"Please Keith, don't be like that."

Again, no response.

"You know I just want what's best for you. I know you're a good racer, but there's a chance Blue will win. And if that happens, I don't believe you'll take it well."

Keith didn't know what to say. Shiro was right, there was a possibility Keith would lose, and if he did, he probably wouldn't take it well. But hearing it from Shiro made Keith doubt himself so much more.

"I'm sorry Keith. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Keith said before hanging up.

Shiro always makes Keith feel better. Every time without fail. But this time, Keith felt worse. So much worse. If Shiro didn't belive in him, who would?

Keith looked at the time, still around three hours before he had to leave for the event. What was he gonna do with himself in that time? Three hours is enough to drive anyone mad. Especially if they're a drug and alcohol addict who's having to stay sober, alone, with their thoughts for there hours.

Laying down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, Keith decided he'd try to get some rest. He usually can't sleep during the day, or in general really, but today he felt particularly exhausted from how much he pushed himself with talking to Romelle, Allura and Lance. Especially Lance. He put his phone on charge, put it on silent and turned on his side to try get some sleep.

Speaking of Lance, he was definitely being a bit too flirty, right? Keith wasn't going insane or anything, right? Or is Keith taking it out of context? As far as he's concerned, Lance only ever flirts with girls. Using his great deduction skills, that means Lance is straight, right? So why was he being so flirty? Or is that just how people act?

Nope, no, nope, too many questions. Keith was over thinking. It wasn't that deep, Lance was probably just trying to be friendly. Maybe a bit too friendly though.

Whatever. Doesn't matter. Keith was over it. Keith was over Lance. He never has to talk to him again, and no one will ever think to say there was sexual tension between them again. He'll never have to listen to Lance flirt with him, he'll never have to hear Lance in general. He'll never have to see Lance's face again. Keith was fine with that. Or was he?

Ages have past since Keith tried to rest, but it just wasn't happening. All he could think about was Lance. How and why? Keith couldn't tell you. There was just something about Lance that Keith couldn't get out of his mind. Every thought lead back to him.

Lance's hair, Lance's eyes, Lance's voice, Lance's smile. Smile? What smile? Lance barely smiled all day. He looked sad, or stressed, or maybe both. Keith realised it multiple times but decided to stay silent. Why? Maybe because he could relate. Did they have more in common than Keith thought?

God, Keith has literally known Lance for years and he has never, never ever thought about him this much. Or thought about him in general. But something about seeing him after so long and feeling a sense of familiarity with him and getting to see Lance in person again, all grown up and in casual clothes and with his friends, not putting on an act in front of the camera, it made Keith feel something different.

After countless minutes, that felt more like hours, of tossing and turning and thinking about tonight's event, Keith finally gave up. He got out of bed and headed into his small kitchen, getting a glass of water hoping it'll help with the headache that has started to creep up on him. Spoiler alert, it didn't.

He walked into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. One of his least favourite activities. Time seemed to slow down as he stared at himself, picking out all the things he never noticed about himself before due to his often drunken state. Keith hated himself. He hated looking at himself. Yet somehow, for whatever reason, he just couldn't look away. It was like a force was trying to make him feel worse about himself.

Again, countless minutes went by that felt like they dragged on forever. Keith finally snapped out of it, splashing cold water into his face before storming out the bathroom and slamming the door behind him. What he wouldn't give for a bottle of vodka right now. 

At this point, Keith was pacing around his apartment aimlessly, walking in and out of every room for no particular reason other than to keep himself at least somewhat busy. But nothing could take his mind off of tonight. He was going to have to see loads of people, talk to them, get cameras shoved in his face, race, do tricks, and all sorts of other things. Honestly even breathing and just purely existing felt too hard right now.

Not only that, but everything will be more extreme tonight, all thanks to Blue's tweet which then Keith absolutely topped off with his reply. Even more people are going to be expecting them to bicker and fight and race against eachother and put on a good show. Keith didn't know if he was up for it. He always loved racing, and he still does, and part of him can't wait to hit that gas pedal as hard as he can and race down empty roads, but he was a whole lot less excited than usual.

Its fine though, he'll be fine. Once he gets to the event, he'll feel right in his element. At least that's what he was telling himself before walking back to his bed and checking the time on his phone. One and a half hours left before he had to leave.

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